The 4 Silent 'Tells' A Woman Is About To Cheat And Blow Up Her Marriage
If these signs sound familiar, she may be on the verge of an affair.

No one wants to be cheated on. The reality is, sometimes, there comes a point in your relationship when you feel that your wife is cheating on you, but you need to be sure because 'of course they wouldn't cheat on you.'
Asking should be the first option, but there’s no guarantee that she will admit to cheating. To see the silent signs of cheating without needing to ask your partner, it's time to remove those rose-tinted glasses and see her behavior for what it is.
According to the Institute for Family Studies, the number of women cheating has gone up by over 40%, slowly getting closer to male infidelity statistics.
Here are 4 silent 'tells' a woman is about to cheat and blow up her marriage:
1. She's suddenly unavailable, with no reasonable explanation
Maybe you've noticed that her unavailability has suddenly increased. She can't give you a reasonable explanation for where she was or why her phone was off.
She might give you a vague explanation, like, “Work stuff, I can’t pick up my phone.” The most significant sign of a potential cheater is someone who has a pattern of unavailability and cannot give you justifiable explanations for why.
Relationship experts support this, saying that a significant sign of infidelity is being unavailable for extended periods without warning or during a consistent block of time during the day.
2. She constantly mentions a new person
Has she started consistently mentioning a new person? Maybe they’ve been hanging out so much that their time together interferes with your relationship. She's unwilling to let this person go, and arguments are constantly breaking out because of this third person. If she hasn’t already cheated with them, she will be cheating very, very soon.
You’re the man who’s married to her, and she should be able to sacrifice an individual who’s becoming problematic. If she sees you in her future and wants the relationship that you are in, listen; she will have to sacrifice that friendship. It’s not going to be easy, but it is a must if you’re going to be able to salvage the relationship and preserve it for posterity.
Remember: cheating is not just physical. It’s emotional, it’s mental as well. She could be gone and emotionally cheating with this guy because he has a nicer car, or he does something better than you. But this is my thing: why is she still in that relationship if she doesn't want you?
3. She won't pick up the phone when she's around certain people
There’s one particular friend who is so superior that whenever she’s with him, you can’t call. She won’t pick up your calls, or she’ll pick them up and very rudely say, “I’ll call you back,” and cut the line. Maybe X is doing something really good for her, it’s innocent, and truly at that moment, she’s busy. I would hope that at some point before she returns to you she will have the courtesy to call you back.
It’s not the first time, it’s not the second time, it’s not even the third time. And you're sitting there accepting her reasons - that aren't reasons, at all. Don’t do this to yourself. If you want peace of mind and you want growth, that kind of relationship is not for you.
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4. She's wearing new personal items
Have you started to notice new clothes on her side of the closet? Maybe she’s started walking around your house wearing a man's hoodie - spoiler alert: it's not your hoodie, it's X's. Maybe you come home one evening to find X’s car parked in your driveway. "X says I should test drive it, so he made me bring it home."
No other friends who could test drive that car but her? No other friends to give a hoodie to but her? No, she’s wearing his hoodie, maybe even his boxers, and you’re sitting there hoping against hope that this woman is going to remain faithful to you. She might've already started cheating.
Go out there and be better. Leave her because she is so not worth your time, effort, love, or your money. Find a woman who will respect you and give you the respect that you deserve.
Euphoria Wilson is a writer and the founder of Inner Glow Empire, a growing community with a dedicated interest in female empowerment, with a focus on relationships, self-improvement, and personal growth.