3 Heartbreaking Reasons Married Women Cheat (That My Husband Found Out The Hard Way)
All of my reasons for straying may sound like excuses and, you know what — they are.

"How could you have done this to me, to us? Who are you and who did I marry?" With tears in his eyes, my ex-husband shouted and screamed these questions at me on the day he found out that I'd had an affair.
All the while, I stood there shaking, in shock, not knowing what to say that would make what I had done right. I was a cheater. Looking back, I realize that nothing in that moment would have given him the solace and comfort that he was looking for — or that I was looking for.
His love and care for me transformed into pure disdain and hate for the monster I had become in his eyes. After much soul-searching, I finally began to understand the factors that drove me to cheat on my husband.
Here are the 3 reasons why married women cheat, that my husband had to learn the hard way:
1. They're seeking happiness from an external source
Back then, I was still living with the illusive notion that happiness is something I could acquire from an external source, so I bought into the fantasy (one that I also see many other women buy into) that, somewhere in the world, a magical one-dimensional man exists for no other purpose than to bring me happiness. (According to a UK adultery survey, women who stray are often seeking emotional fulfillment, enhanced self-esteem, and romance.)
I believed that because I wasn't happy in my marriage with my ex-husband, someone else could dish happiness up on a silver platter for me. Surely someone else could, right? But, of course, this is simply not true and never will be. The whole ordeal of the affair stressed me out and exposed me to more confusion and unhappiness.
Being part of the cheating wives' club, I understand now that running away from myself was not the answer and that I am responsible for my happiness and fulfillment. My happiness is no one else's responsibility — not my spouse's, not some lover's — just mine!.
2. They're no longer attracted to their partner
I honestly believed that I was a bad person for no longer feeling attracted to my husband. A lack of attraction in a long-term relationship is far too common. One study found that only 38% of wives reported they were attracted to their husbands.
So as not to hurt him, I kept quiet as that waning desire continued to fizzle away. I just couldn't find the words to tell him that I no longer found him physically attractive.
Instead of communicating honestly with him about my feelings, I ended up truly being a "bad person" when I cheated (while also hoping he wouldn't find out about either). Deep underneath this pattern of guilt leading to silence was a belief that I was not worthy of someone loving me as much as my husband did.
What I now realize is that our beliefs and how we see ourselves can lead us to do some very crazy things. Belief systems are powerful catalysts for behavior. By working on myself, I was able to finally overcome this pattern and now, find myself in a new, truly loving relationship.
3. They lack maturity and effective communication skills
I realize now that I lacked the maturity and the life skills needed to properly face the problems my husband and I were experiencing at the time.
We would argue, and get upset, and as a result, our communication would break down and, so did our intimacy. I didn't know how to change that dynamic or manage my thoughts about those conflicts either. Any time we argued, I honestly believed that he didn't love me. So, I "acted out" to have my own back.
Keeping communication channels open is vitally important because, once by the time you sense communication shut down, intimacy has usually already slid away from you (and full connection breakdown follows quickly). Before you know it you are yearning for intimacy and connection deeply just no longer with your mate.
I often hear that wives who cheat do so because of this very same communication breakdown in their existing relationship. They feel frustrated, no longer heard or misunderstood and they seek comfort, connection, and refuge in the arms of someone else.
At the time I had my affair, passion in my relationship felt dead. I wanted my husband to long for me, want me, and care enough about me to woo me. But our relationship fell into a day-to-day routine, taking all the excitement out of it, and the passion died.
I wanted to break free from that and thought the best way to do so was through a selfish act (having an affair). I now realize that looking for passion outside of my established relationship was a short-lived solution, and that's all it ever could be.
Working on rekindling what my (now) ex-husband and I once had — which was a lot — would have probably been the better option.
Timur Weber / Pexels
All of my reasons may sound like excuses and, you know what — my affair was a selfish act.
I will be the first to admit it. I had options and choices, but when I put myself in the shoes of that young girl I was at that time, I felt then that an affair was the solution.
My overall feeling now is that if you are a woman who is contemplating becoming part of the cheating wives club (or you are a woman who already has cheated), then I ask you to seriously contemplate what you hope to get out of it and what has turned you toward such an action.
If you're chasing happiness, I'm here to tell you — happiness comes from within. No one else can create that happiness for you. Ultimately, I don't regret what I did (though I do deeply regret the hurt I caused). But as a result of the affair, and then later, our divorce, my ex gave me the best gift you can give anyone — the opportunity, finally, to find my happiness within myself.
Marina Pearson is an effortless living coach, international speaker, blogger, and best-selling author of Goodbye Mr. Ex.