3 Zodiac Signs Who Give Up Waiting For Love On March 20, 2024

The power of positive thinking is here for us to take advantage of.

zodiac signs give up waiting for love on march 20, 2024 Radu Florin via Pexels/Chikovnaya via Canva Pro

As the warming breezes of Spring start to invigorate us, we will see that the present moment is the only reality we have right now. Accepting the present is the smartest move we can make if we really think about it. There's so much good that can come of acceptance, especially when we can see with our own eyes that pushing the universe doesn't work if a thing is not meant to be.

On March 20, 2024, we are going to understand something that is both grand and simple at once. The power of positive thinking works, and manifesting something from nothing is a reality. However, we cannot wish for the impossible and then find ourselves too disappointed when that impossible thing doesn't occur.


We must wish for that which CAN happen. During the Leo Moon square Jupiter on this day, three zodiac signs will come to know that 'reality' has given us its final message, and that message tells us to accept things as they are right now.



And right now, we will know that the love we wish to have in our lives is not going to come to us in the form of the person we want. We may receive this love through another source, and we might even be that source ourselves.


Still, during the transit of Leo Moon square Jupiter, we will know that it's best to lay aside a certain impossible dream so that we can make room for that which is realistic and possible. It's all OK.

Three zodiac signs have decided they aren't going to wait for love anymore on March 20, 2024:

1. Taurus 

(April 20 - May 20)

There's a fantastic feeling that's going to come over you on this day, March 20, and you'll know that whatever you're doing, it's right. You have put yourself through much torment, waiting for people, hoping they'd change, and wanting very badly for them to see things your way.

You've also experienced what it's like to see how much time you've wasted in this effort. During the transit of Leo Moon square Jupiter, you'll be able to see how the big picture works, and that will give you liberation.


Jupiter's massive energy field is going to bring you insight. As it is squared with a Leo Moon, of all things, the entire transit represents acceptance and the idea that you no longer need to hold on to that, which has shown you that it's not going to work. If it's love, then so be it. You can deal with this, Taurus. You aren't here to change people. You can only do your best and then move on.

This day brings you closure. You are no longer going to wait for that one person to either change or come around to see things your way, and that's OK. And you know it's OK. You feel the shift in your heart. It lets you know that you have bigger fish to fry. You have your entire life ahead of you. This seems rather exciting to you now that you've decided that waiting is no longer on the agenda. Good for you!

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2. Sagittarius 

(November 22 - December 21)


What's ironic and interesting about this day, March 20, is that you are not only tired of waiting for something to happen, but you no longer remember what exactly you've been waiting for. What you do know, however, is that by being involved, you've shown yourself that you are valid and alive. Perhaps the idea of waiting for validation to come through another person was beside the point.

What you'll see taking place during Leo Moon square Jupiter is the knowledge that you had the answers within you all along and that you no longer have to wait for approval, love, or acceptance from another person.

That doesn't mean you won't attract love or romance, as one thing has nothing to do with another. As of right now, you are happy 'as you are,' and the idea of waiting for love or something other than what you have right now seems like a waste of precious time.

What this day brings you with its transit of Leo Moon square Jupiter is the concept that you have it all already. While that's a broad concept and needs to be experienced, as the words don't really touch it in terms of definition, you'll see that you are a living example of being happy in your skin.


You know who you are, and that's taken a lot of work to come to understand. And yet, here you are, loving your life, loving yourself, and waiting for nothing. It's all here, right here and now.

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3. Pisces 

(February 19 - March 20)

Sadness is something that you have bidden farewell, as you no longer see it as productive or inspiring. Waiting for something or someone no longer serves you as you feel that every second you have is precious and should not be squandered on waiting for some kind of miracle to occur. If happiness is what you were waiting for. If that happiness was designed to come in the form of another person, then you have happily set that dream aside. And I do mean 'happily.'


This is a day of great acceptance for you, Pisces, as the transit of Leo Moon square Jupiter teaches you that waiting is a waste of time. You have spent too much time waiting for this, that, and the other things to happen. When those things don't happen, you feel disappointed. This day enlightens you about your life, and you know for sure that you are not here to waste another minute.

It's pretty easy for you to adapt during Jupiter transits. Wednesday shows you that everything you've ever wanted is already inside you. While that may sound a little too 'woo-woo,' well, there's nobody who's more 'woo-woo' than you, so you'll accept that as well. You are right there with the idea of enlightening ideas. If letting go of waiting is part of the big picture, then you'll say, "Sign me up!"

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
