3 Zodiac Signs Choose Themselves Over Others During The Gemini Full Moon On November 27
If there's a choice of them or us, we choose 'us.'

The Full Moon is the time when things get done. This is not the time for dreaming or hoping for things to get done. This is the time and the day to be the director in your own life and to say those famous words, "Action!" Today, November 27, 2023, during the Full Moon in Gemini, three zodiac signs will know the meaning of Act Now.
And, on this day, our actions have a purpose, most decidedly so. Full Moon energy is cumulative energy, which means that we've been thinking long and hard about what we need to do. As it goes, November 27, 2023, is the day we not only understand that, in this case, WE must come first but that we literally choose ourselves over others at this time.
More specifically, during the Full Moon in Gemini on this date, we are going to recognize that danger looms ahead IF and only IF we don't avoid it.
For the three zodiac signs here today, that means making a firm decision to remove ourselves from the path of danger consciously. If there's a choice of them or us, we choose 'us.' We do it because we have to. We do it because we want to preserve ourselves.
Three zodiac signs choose themselves over others on November 27, 2023, during the Full Moon.
1. Virgo, you find closure.
So much has happened to you in your life that you feel you have learned enough to last you a lifetime. Oddly, you would be right, no matter how old or young you are. You are a wise 'old soul,' and even though it may take a couple of rounds before you go down, you eventually do go down and have learned that once you've hit rock bottom, the only place to go is up. You always, always rise, Virgo.
You will see that on this day, November 27, 2023, during the Full Moon in Gemini, you will be in a situation that demands compromise.
While compromise itself is not such a big deal and you are always willing to meet a person halfway, you'll see that this is no mere compromise. This is the selling of your soul, and you won't do that for another person. For the sake of someone's demands, you'll back away, knowing that you are not here to serve their ego.
You have given this person many chances and you have become officially tired of waiting for them to either live up to their promises or simply change their ways. They are stagnant and unmovable, and you are not going to stop living for their sake. You can no longer support what you no longer believe in and during the Full Moon in Gemini, you will choose yourself over this other person. Time's up.
2. Gemini, you move on.
It takes great nerve to do what you're about to do on this day, November 27, 2023, but during the Full Moon in Gemini, you will grab hold of that nerve and you will act accordingly. There is someone in your life who disturbs you, and you feel as though the more time you spend with them, the weaker you feel.
The reason you feel weak is not because of them. It's because you haven't yet been able to walk away from them ... and you want to.
That's how you decide to do so on this day. During the Full Moon in Gemini, you will know that it's now or never and that you cannot stand by as you watch yourself disappear into their all-consuming world. You feel as though you no longer exist when you are around this person, and being that you are such a strong person, you cannot accept the way things are going. You must make a move and you must choose yourself over them.
There is no option here but to free yourself and to do it now. You may not know how to do it gracefully, and you may, indeed, fumble and stall ... but you will succeed in removing yourself from the danger that lies ahead, the danger that this person has put you in. Right now, it's all about getting out. You may not know how to do it, and you may end up doing it all the wrong way, but you'll do it. You'll act, and you will be free.
3. Pisces, you learn to detach.
You know that in order to do what you have to do to keep your sanity you must start now and never look back. You are in a situation that has you calling the shots on your own life. You also know that fragile personalities surround you and for their sake, you've backed away from being too outspoken or confrontational. You've also noticed that all this gets you is a feeling of severe repression.
During the Full Moon in Gemini on November 27, 2023, you will understand that there's an opportunity that's being handed to you and it comes in the form of you being away from these people and easily able to shut them off without having to confront them or look in their eyes. Yes, you realize that you are taking the cowardly way out, but you also don't care, as this is your big opportunity to end your ties with this person or people.
So, in an act of supreme ghosting, you will cut your ties with this situation on this day because you know that the only person you need to take care of right now is you. You must choose yourself and you don't care how you go about making that happen.
You will fight for yourself, defend yourself and put yourself first no matter what. You've come to know that this situation brings you nothing but grief and s, and you're out.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.