3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Rough Week September 6 - 12, 2021

A harsh week, indeed.

3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Rough Week September 6 - 12, 2021 sutadimages/Shutterstock.com

Three zodiac signs who will have a rough week starting September 6, 2021, and this one is tougher than usual.

We've got a little disruptive energy coming at us this week, mainly in the form of Moon Trine Saturn, and Moon Conjunction Mars.

We also have Moon Opposition Neptune, which has the annoying power of bring out our bad moods and unsavory thoughts. 

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We are also crossing a monumentally sad anniversary, on September 11, and that happens to fall during Moon Opposition Uranus - a harsh combo, indeed.

There will be feelings of anxiety and sadness by the end of the week, and for certain signs of the zodiac, that could cause a need for isolation.

Demanding some alone time might be a good idea, as this week encourages healing and emotional repair.

This week is a bit of a stand-alone, in terms of memory and loss.

Nobody has forgotten what happened all those years ago, on the 11th; we were all there in spirit, and today - this week - we hold a candle for those we've lost, as well as for the spirit that continues on. It may be a rough week, but we are OK - we will get through this.


Zodiac signs who will have a great week starting September 6, 2021:

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

This week may come with the manifestation of certain inner fears.

What you've had on your mind may finally become too much for you to take, and you are going to have to make a decision as to how to rid yourself of this nagging thought.

It's the kind of week where you think you've removed yourself from a certain situation only to realize that you're still stuck in it.

That hard Aries head of yours can be your own worst enemy at times; you think things through to such a degree that you end up confused and wondering why things aren't completely cleared up.


With all the work you do to become clear of inner conflicts, this week will have you wondering where you went wrong, and fortunately, you will be able to re-route that energy, so that you can think less and act more.

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Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

It's only a rough week for you because it's the season of your birthday, and while the birthday itself is always a cause for joy, you can't help but delve into those 'mortality' feelings. You know it's a time for celebration - you made it!

And yet, this week will bring out all those self-doubts, along with all the all-too-human questions: Have I accomplished what I need to? Do I have a purpose here? What is my next move?


Birthdays can do a number on us, and for you, Virgo, that number might bring you a little too much introspection.

Don't worry, the good days are right around the corner. We all go through this when our birthdays roll around, so, hey, you're in good company!

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Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

If there's anything here that's going to upset your week, it's going to be that crazy little thing called Moon Opposition Uranus.

You are someone who doesn't mind being alone, or even living in your head; it's a safe place - most of the time. You're a fairly stable individual - most of the time, but when you stumble, you go hard, and that Uranus energy doesn't suit you at all.


You're also shouldering that 9-11 vibe, which will be all-pervasive on Saturday, which means that the world-wide depressed energy might just get to you. You're going to feel cracked open, raw and exposed - too vulnerable, perhaps even needy.

Do yourself a favor during this rough week - reach out and talk with friends. People want to help - you are loved.

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Ruby Miranda has been practicing I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology since childhood. She gives private readings and has been working as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. Follow her on Twitter: Ruby Miranda 


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