3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Great Day On September 15, 2021

All the signs are there.

3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Great Day On September 15, 2021 BABAROGA/Shutterstock.com

While we're still in Virgo, we're going to make the very best of it. We're going to pull out all the stops and let Virgo do it's a marvelous thing, and if you didn't know - Virgo is made up of much more than perfectionism and harsh judgment calls. Stick around and find out what's so great about this sign and how it affects you.

For some, this is going to be a great day, because these are the signs that adapt well under Virgo - signs who are able to raise their intelligence level; signs who have no fear about putting in the effort to make their lives a better one. And, we do have the Moon in Capricorn, which should keep us focused and on the ball.


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This week, we can depend on heavy creative vibes and focused healing energy. Communication comes easily, and it gets the job done. This is a week dedicated to fearlessness, and anyone who wants to come along is welcome. Certain signs will lead the way, and following their lead should be no problem.

Who's going to have a great day, September 15, 2021?

Zodiac signs who will have a great day on September 15, 2021:

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Cancer is cool today. You're going to be feeling happy, filled with energy, and raring to go. Where will you go, though? Business and communication. Yep. Not what you expected and yet, suddenly you've got a mind for money-making and a streak of good luck that almost guarantees you make the right moves.


That's the Virgo touch - it's enlivening things inside you that you didn't know existed. Yes, Cancer, you are much more than the weepy homebody who stares at the Moon in wonder - you're actually a mean money-making machine that can transform just about any situation by making it a positive - and lucrative - one.

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Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

This week you'll be going through Sun Trine Moon, as well as Moon Square Mercury, and this basically means that the sky is the limit, in terms of what you can accomplish. You are thinking clearly and acting precisely.

You're in your element now, Virgo, and you can feel the power. The power looks like firm resolution and keen decision making. You don't make the wrong move because you are guided by the universe; you know what you want, what to do, how to do it, and how to make it all feel good for others, too. See, you're not as selfish as we once thought: you really do love others - and during the day, today, you'll show it.


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Libra (September 23 - October 22)

You're in for a big change today, Libra. This is career-related. Have you been wanting to change jobs as of recent? Because it looks like you're going that way - and it's all due to your own planning. Seems like you're going to be quite successful; you've thought things out and you've utilized Virgo's amazing analytical skill set.

You pinpointed what wasn't working for you in your last (or present) place of work, and you somehow parlayed yourself into a new position. This is tremendous work, Libra! You took yourself out of a bad situation and re-introduced yourself into a brilliant one. How did you do it? All we can do at this point is applaud your ingenuity.


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Ruby Miranda has been practicing I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology since childhood. She gives private readings and has been working as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. Follow her on Twitter: Ruby Miranda 


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