Weekly One Card Tarot Reading For June 28 - July 4, 2021

Happy 4th of July!

Weekly One Card Tarot Reading For June 28 - July 4, 2021

Welcome to your weekly one card tarot readings for June 28 to July 4, 2021 for all zodiac signs.

I hope everyone is doing well. And what do we have going on this week? Well, from the look of it, we've got a few warnings, a few wake-up calls, and a whole lot of hope for the outlook of the future.

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The cards are feeling fairly easygoing this week, which would be nice as none of us here are ready for trauma and upheaval. Good thing we won't be getting any this week. Gratitude, always!


So, let's walk into this week with our eyes wide open and our minds alert and ready. Several of the cards imply that we need to stay focused. Let's keep our eyes on the prize and make the best week ever for ourselves.

What's in store for your sign this week, according to the Tarot?

Weekly one card tarot reading by zodiac sign, June 28-July 4, 2021:

Aries (March 21 - April 19): Nine of Cups, reversed

This week is one where you will experience the term "a fool for love" because that is what you will be. It's not a bad thing, but it does suggest that you're going to expect a certain kind of response from a loved one - and the disappointment of receiving another response altogether.


Nothing is wrong here; it's merely about misjudging a situation in love - perhaps you are asking too much of your partner or lover? You are loved, Aries, but sometimes you ask too much of others.

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Taurus (April 20 - May 20): Four of Swords

This card is a strong warning for you: proceed with caution. Whatever it is that you have in mind, the card here is telling you to rethink your moves and restrain yourself from being impulsive.


There are important things at stake here, you don't want to blow it by being passionate and agitated. All will go well if you apply discretion and patience to your troubling situation. Don't act impulsively this week, Taurus. Think before you rage.

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Gemini (May 21 - June 20): Page of Pentacles

Expect a playful week with nothing too heavy or burdensome. Your psyche will be feeling lighter and that will allow you to actually enjoy yourself. Everything about this week is geared for ease, lightness of being, and innocent good fun.

It's a good week to tinker with gadgets, Gemini, as you love to do. And while you may not have a lot of money to throw around, throwing around a little may do you a world of good.


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Cancer (June 21 - July 22): King of Pentacles

Finally, a break - as in a very good break. Financially, things are starting to come together. Security looks like a reality now, and for you, Cancer - that's a huge thing as you really crave knowing what's going to happen to you and when, where, and how.

This week should clear some financial questions up for you. And the answers you'll receive will give you peace of mind and a very healthy optimism for your own future.

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Leo (July 23 - August 22): Seven of Swords, reversed

You have a choice this week, Leo - you can allow depression to overwhelm you, or you can recognize what's going on inside you and combat it by putting it into perspective. This means you need to weigh the importance of what's bothering you; is it real?


Is it happening now - or, is this something from the past? There's a good chance you're giving too much weight to something that has already happened and is not about to reverse itself. So - why bother sweating it, Gemini? Take your time with your thoughts, but for your own sake - move on as soon as you can.

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Virgo (August 23 - September 22): Ace of Pentacles, reversed

So close, yet so far - but completely hopeful. What does this mean? It means you're on to something, Virgo, and that 'something' is financial and valuable.

You don't have it yet, nor will you be having it this week - but the promise is on, you're about to reap the rewards of your efforts, and nobody knows better just how much effort you've put into to creating the situation that will finally pay off. So, you are very close, but not there yet. Your good fortune will manifest within a few weeks.


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Libra (September 23 - October 22): Seven of Pentacles, reversed

Frustrations may have you indulging a bit more than one would call 'necessary' - but then again, when one is frustrated, the book of 'necessary' is an open one that contains many chapters, so to speak.

Let's just put it this way: this is the week where you overeat, over drink, and just overdo it. There's no balance here and there's no integrity to your choices. The upside? There won't be any health issues due to your indulgence. Think of it like dodging a bullet: you may not be so lucky next time, so act accordingly.


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Scorpio (October 23 - November 21): Queen of Swords

Ooh, you are really in your element this week, Scorpio. If there were a card to represent Scorpio, it would probably be the Queen of Swords. This week is going to bring you confidence and cunning.

Choices will be brutal and thorough; whatever you do this week will be done with courage, mystery, and even a little selfish intention. You may be asked for advice - listen and learn before you give any out, as your wisdom is going to be relied upon. You may not be the smoothest when it comes to delivery, but you are the most honest and you can be extraordinarily helpful.


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Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21): Six of Swords, reversed

This is an interesting card in so much as it represents change and the releasing of the old in order to make room for the new. However, reversed, it implies that you need to try that step one more time, meaning, there's more to release here and you need to cop to it.

Walking away from hopeless issues is good, but you actually have to do the walking away part - there's no faking it here. This week you will be confronted with your own carelessness; you need to take care of yourself better, and you really need to let go - in earnest, if you're ever to successfully move on.


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Capricorn (December 22 - January 19): Seven of Wands, reversed

This card shows that you have something you need to do and that you plan on doing it - just not the way you're supposed to. Everyone in your world, whether it's personal or work-related is telling you how to live your life; it's enough.

You're the only boss of yourself, and you know how to do you better than any advice given. And so, this week, you're going to be taking a different approach - mainly to avoid having people in your face, telling you what to do. The best part: what you do is going to work. Your way or the highway, Capricorn!


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Aquarius (January 20 - February 18): Five of Wands

You're in for some irony this week, Aquarius. It's going to look like this: the minute you decide to pull back and just let things flow naturally, you will instantly be faced with one hundred and one opportunities that will beg you to get involved.

The flow you so wanted to think of as easy-going and laid back, will turn into a barrage of engagements and beneficial opportunities. So, there you are, wanting a break and here they come...the grand and rapid-fire opportunities for a successful future. No rest for the weary, eh, Aquarius?

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Pisces (February 19 - March 10): Page of Wands, reversed

Here we have a warning: stop slacking off at work and get to the business of the matter.

You've been allowed a certain amount of leeway at your job - you can get away with a lot, but here's the kicker: you can't get away with slacking, and that, Pisces, may very well be what you've been doing.

You're in no trouble at the moment, but take this warning card seriously; work is work, not play. You cannot get away with lateness, leaving early, playing with your phone all day...while you're supposed to be focusing. Focus on your job, Pisces - not on social media. It's real.

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Ruby Miranda is a New Yorker who learned astrology, I Ching, and all types of cartomancy and numerology from her crazy, gypsy mother. She currently writes for a wide range of esoteric publications.


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