21 Self-Love Quotes By Julia Roberts About Staying True To Yourself
From childhood star, to Pretty Woman, to wife, to mom, Julia Roberts is living life to the fullest.

In July, Julia Roberts and her husband, Danny Moder, a cinematographer and camera operator, celebrated their 17th wedding anniversary. Originally meeting on the set of the movie The Mexican in 2000, they married two years later in 2002 and they now have 3 children — 14-year-old twins Phinnaeus and Hazel, and 12-year-old Henry.
Julia Roberts dedication to her husband is inpiring — Entertainment Tonight reports that Julia told Gwyneth Paltrow on a Good podcast how much her husband has impacted her life. She said, "I think that first kind of real... 'seismic shift' was meeting Danny," and that, "Getting married to Danny. That was the first, like, my life will never be the same in the most incredible, indescribable way… He truly, to this day, to this minute, is just my favorite human. I'm more interested in what he has to say or his point of view just more than anybody. Really, we're so lucky in that way. We just really, really like each other and we just enjoy each other’s company."
Roberts still finds that she loves her acting career and as she gets older, she finds that "With age comes more complexity of possible parts," she stated in one of her interviews, reported by Hurriyet Daily News.
And she even discusses how every year, there is a goal to make strides in women's equality. She stated, "Things like this give me hope that our business can keep making strides, because every year that it's 'the year of the woman,' you kind of go: Again? Let's just have it always be the year of the artists. If we have to keep spotlighting the gender of this and the gender of that, we're kind of blowing it."
Julia Roberts is a very strong, opinionated person, who has taken on some amazing roles that no one could ever replace. To find out more about how this actress has made a name for herself while still being a mom and wife, here are some of the best Julia Roberts quotes that really show how much she knows her stuff and how with just a little acceptance, patience and self-love, you can go far.
1. Love what you do.
"Loving What you do is the secret to everything." —Julia Roberts
2. It's not your job to fix him.
"Women are not rehabilitation centers for badly raised men. It is NOT your job to fix him, change him, parent him or raise him. You want a partner, not a project." —Julia Roberts
3. Love is wanting someone to be happy no matter what.
"You know it's love when all you want is that person to be happy, even if you're not part of their happiness." —Julia Roberts
4. One story ends, another door opens.
"When people walk away from you, let them go. Your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you, and it doesn't mean they are bad people. It just means that their part in your story is over." —Julia Roberts
5. Live for the moment.
"I'd rather have 30 minutes of wonderful than a lifetime of nothing special." —Julia Roberts
6. Nothing can keep apart true love.
"I believe that people are connected at the heart, and it doesn't matter what you do, or who you are, or where you live; there are no boundaries or barriers if two people are destined to be together." —Julia Roberts
7. You will always hold the power of true love inside you.
"True love doesn't come to you, it has to be inside you." —Julia Roberts
8. We grow through experience.
"I'm better for all the things that have happened to me, the good and the bad." —Julia Roberts
9. Sometimes we wish to go back to an easier time.
"I wish I were a little girl again, because skinned knees are easier to fix than a broken heart." —Julia Roberts
10. Be who you are.
"I do think that I am fundamentally the same relatively simple person I've always been. I just have this flashy, wacky job [actress] that confuses people into thinking that I'm somehow untrafascinating." —Julia Roberts
11. Taking care of your family is one of the best things you could ever do.
"It's my privilege and honor to cook three meals a day for my family, and it's a luxury on a level that I didn't even realize, because it can be relentless for me on some days. You have pride in how you take care of your family." —Julia Roberts
12. Life is short, be kind to yourself and others.
"Life is so precious. Please, please, let's love one another, live each day, reach out to each other, be kind to each other. Peace be with you. God is great." —Julia Roberts
13. There is always a need for more kindness in life.
"We can always use more kindness in our lives, but I think right now is really a good time to be reminded of maybe sharpening our kindness skills." —Julia Roberts
14. You have to be able to look at yourself in the mirror.
"You can be true to the character all you want but you've got to go home with yourself." —Julia Roberts
15. Don't let the moment pass you by.
"If you love someone, you say it, right then, out loud. Otherwise, the moment just passes you by." —Julia Roberts
16. Laughing makes everything better.
"Wit is the key, I think to anybody's heart, because who doesn't like to laugh?" —Julia Roberts
17. When things click, it's magic.
"Magic to me is you make a movie and it's all great and it clicks, and at the end of the day, you feel like you're having an experience that is positive and that you're learning from." —Julia Roberts
18. Mood hair.
"My real hair color is kind of a dark blonde. Now I just have mood hair." —Julia Roberts
19. When you have a Pretty Woman moment.
"In case I forget to tall you later, I had a really good time tonight." —Julia Roberts
20. Modesty is the key to what you are filming.
"I wouldn't do nudity in films. To act with my clothes on is a performance. To act with my clothes off is a documentary." —Julia Roberts
21. Julia Roberts is a full participant in her life.
"I guess when all is said and done, if there is one last commentary on me, I would want it to be said that I participated in my life. I was a full participant." —Julia Roberts
Emily Francos is a writer who covers astrology, pop culture and relationship topics.