10 Shopping Quotes That Prove A Little Retail Therapy Is All You Need To Feel Better

Get in loser, we're going shopping.

shopping quotes retail therapy

Everyone needs a little retail therapy now and then.

When you get stressed out or are feeling a little sluggish in your body, hit the mall and find yourself an outfit or accessory that makes you feel confident. If you have a bad day at work, drive over to Target and browse the dollar asile for a bit.

Shopping – in moderation – can be really helpful when trying to put a bad day to rest. Sometimes, walking around the mall while scarfing down a soft pretzel is exactly what you need. Bringing along friends can also be a great form of retail therapy, as you can all complain about your crappy days together.


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So, when the going gets tough, the tough really should go shopping. In fact, Psychology Today posted a research finding by TNS Global on behalf of Ebates, which found that more than half of Americans admit to retail therapy and usually shop to cheer themselves up or celebrate a success.


If this information alone doesn't motivate you to go grab your purse and hit the nearest mall, here are some of the best shopping quotes that will remind you retail therapy is more than just an excuse to shop.

That new lipstick from Tarte has your name written all over it.

1. Put that guilt to rest

shopping quotes retail therapy

"There is no shame in emotional shopping." – Unknown


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2. Why spend money on a shrink when you can spend it on a pair of Manolos

shopping quotes retail therapy

"Honestly, shopping beats therapy, anytime. It costs the same & you get a dress out of it." – Sophie Kinsella

3. Does State Farm cover my shopping habits yet?

shopping quotes retail therapy


"Wouldn't it be great if retail therapy was covered by health insurance?" – Unknown

4. Online shopping counts, too!

shopping quotes retail therapy

"I was sad but then I bought something online. I feel better now." – Unknown

5. I'm fine. Everything is fine.

shopping quotes retail therapy


"O, don't worry about me. I bought new shoes. Everything is just fine now." – Unknown

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6. The harder the day, the better the outfit

shopping quotes retail therapy

"Never underestimate the power of a good outfit on a bad day." – Unknown

7. Bring some friends along and you can laugh and shop

shopping quotes retail therapy


"Whoever said laughter was the best medicine obviously never tried shopping." – Unknown

8. Pretty woman, walking down the street (to the mall)

shopping quotes retail therapy

"Crying is for plain women. Pretty women go shopping." – Oscar Wilde


9. Wipe those tears and head to Coach

shopping quotes retail therapy

"Dont cry. Buy a bag and get over it." – Unknown

10. At the end of the day, the mall is our friend

shopping quotes retail therapy


"I walked into the mall and instantly felt calm surrounded by all the stores I'll browse but can't afford." – Unknown

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Carlie Fox is a writer who covers astrology, pop culture and relationship topics.