12 Powerful Quotes From Marianne Williamson At The Democratic Debate
She’s single-handedly bringing “yada yada yada” back.

As we continue along the 2020 presidential election trail, democratic candidates including Tim Ryan, Joe Biden and John Delaney are fighting tirelessly to remain in the eyes of the media and the minds of the American people.
With 25 democrats campaigning to receive the party nomination, it is easy to get lost in the crowd as a potential stand out. Career politicians like Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren usually take the prize of generating the most internet traffic and social media buzz after a big event, like the Dem Debates.
But last night, an underdog shined from the shadows: Marianne Williamson.
Marianne Williamson is a New York Times bestselling American author and lecturer. She also has a long list of effort in activism fighting for HIV/AIDS, women's rights, peace-building, and poverty alleviation advocacy. She's appeared on TV shows like The Oprah Winfrey Show and Good Morning America to speak about her writing and her work.
Williamson's political career began in 2014 when she unsuccessfully ran for a House seat for California's 33rd congressional district. With several respected politicians endorsements, she campaigned for accessible education and free college, climate change, universal healthcare, peacebuilding, and women's and LGBTQ rights. She finished fourth in the race, falling to Ted Lieu who still serves in this seat.
Williamson stood out as a democrat to watch after the NBC-hosted debate in June. She made considerably bold statements surrounding healthcare, Donald Trump, and immigration. She quickly gained a social media following with Reddit and Twitter users naming her "The Orb Queen." And she has only become more popular for her eccentric way of speaking since.
Last night, CNN hosted the debate in Detroit, Michigan. By the night's end, Marianne Willaimson became the most googled candidate in 49 out of 50 states. Steve Bullock took the title in his home state of Montana. The buzz surrounding Williamson's candidacy is hot.
If you missed the debate last night, we have got you covered! Look below for a recap of the most powerful Marianne Williamson quotes about her campaign, Donald Trump and fighting the good tight — here's what she said to the American people on the debate stage:
1. She opened with a call to action as her campaign platform.
"In 1776 our founders brought forth on this planet an extraordinary new possibility. It was the idea that people, no matter who they were, would simply have the possibility of thriving. We have not ever totally actualized this ideal... Conventional politics will not solve this problem because conventional politics is part of the problem. We the American people must rise up and do what we do best and create a new possibility, say no to what we don't want and yes to what we know can be true." — Marianne Williamson
2. She pushed her idea that America has "sickness care," not healthcare.
"Everything that we're talking about here tonight is what's wrong with American politics, and the Democratic Party needs to understand that we should be the party that talks, not just about symptoms, but also about causes. We need to realize, we have a sickness care rather than a healthcare system. We need to be the party talking about why so many of our chemical policies and our food policies and our agricultural policies and our environment policies and even our economic policies are leading to people sick to begin with." — Marianne Williamson
3. She took every opportunity to show she is ready to 'fight the man!'
"The issue of gun safety, of course, is that the NRA has us in a chokehold, but so do the pharmaceutical companies, so do the health insurance companies, so do the fossil fuel companies, and so do the defense contractors, and none of this will change until we either pass a constitutional amendment or pass legislation that establishes public funding for federal campaigns." — Marianne Williamson
I’m not sure Marianne Williamson should be President but I definitely want her to live in the White House and STARE at whoever *is* President.
— billy eichner (@billyeichner) July 31, 2019
4. She channeled her inner Seinfeld, bringing thunderous applause and mega-media buzz.
"I don't think the Democratic Party should be surprised that so many Americans believe yada, yada, yada. It is time for us to start over with people who have not taken donations from any of those corporations and can say with real moral authority: That is over. We are going to establish public funding for federal campaigns. That's what we need to stand up to." — Marianne Williamson
5. She tackled one of the hottest human rights topics, Flint, Michigan's water crisis, as a direct effect of racism. And it stuck.
"Flint is just the tip of the iceberg. We have an administration that has gutted the Clean Water Act. We have communities, particularly communities of color and disadvantaged communities all over this country who are suffering from environmental injustice. This is part of the dark underbelly of American society. The racism, the bigotry, and the entire conversation that we’re having here tonight." — Marianne Williamson
6. She truly showed her cards as The Orb Queen.
"If you think any of this wonkiness is going to deal with this dark psychic force of the collectivized hatred that this president is bringing up in this country, then I’m afraid that the Democrats are going to see some very dark days." — Marianne Williamson
Every time another candidate says anything #DemDebate pic.twitter.com/gbm4Pokv54
— Marianne Williamson Memes (@MarianneMemes) July 31, 2019
7. She laid down her plan for a slavery reparations program that will pay $200 to $500 million to affected Americans.
"I believe that $200 billion to $500 billion is politically feasible today because so many Americans realize there is an injustice that continues to form a toxicity underneath the surface, an emotional turbulence that only reparations will heal." — Marianne Williamson
8. She argued about the economic benefits of free college.
"I think that all domestic and international policy should be based on the idea that anything we do to help people thrive is a stimulation to our economy. That’s how you stimulate your economy. If we get rid of this college debt, think of all the young people who will have the discretionary spending; they'll be able to start their business. The best thing you could do to stimulate the U.S. economy is to get rid of this debt." — Marianne Williamson
9. She went after her sworn enemy, Donald Trump.
"Our problem is not just that we need to defeat Donald Trump. We need a plan to solve institutionalized hatred, collectivized hatred, and white nationalism." — Marianne Williamson
10. She told some harsh truths about voter turnout in the fight to beat Trump.
"There's some corruption that is so deep, ladies and gentlemen. And until the Democratic Party is ready to speak to the deeper corruption, knowing that we ourselves sometimes because of our own corporate donations have participated, than I'm afraid those who vote for Trump will continue to vote for Trump and those who might not like Donald Trump will continue to stay home." — Marianne Williamson
Question: "Did this night go the way you hoped it would?"
Marianne Williamson: "I don't know yet. I mean, I'll tell you when, you know, later when I see the memes." pic.twitter.com/F4f5HunESD— The Hill (@thehill) July 31, 2019
11. She talked about fighting the good fight (the smart way).
"I want a politics that goes much deeper. I want a politics that speaks to the heart, because the only way to fight -- you keep talking about how we're going to fight Donald Trump. You can't fight dog whistles. You have to override them." — Marianne Williamson
12. She's ready to guide the American people through owning and fixing their mistakes.
"And the only way you can override them is with new voices, voices of energy that only come from the fact that America has been willing to live up to our own mistakes, atone for our mistakes, make amends for our own mistakes, love each other, love our democracy, love future generations, something emotional and psychological that will not be -- be emerging from anything on this stage. It will emerge from something I'm the one who's qualified to bring forth." — Marianne Williamson
Madison Kerth is a writer who covers astrology, pop culture and relationship topics.