New Details About The Woman Who Is On Trial For Murdering Her Nephew Because He Threatened To Reveal Their 3-Year Long Affair
She claims he was abusing her and the murder was an act of self-defense.

A Texas woman who is on trial for murdering her nephew revealed that she and the 25-year-old had been involved in an affair for three years.
Andira Abdelaziz, 37, testified on Tuesday in a San Antonio court that she stabbed Mohammed Abdelaziz in August 2016 because he abused and threatened her. She has pleaded not guilty and claims the murder was an act of self-defense.
According to text messages that were obtained by police, Mohammed called Andira the "daughter of a whore." He would repeatedly belittle her, beat her in public and threaten to kill her.
He once told her that he would come to her home and look through the front window and if she wasn't sleeping on the couch instead of in bed with her husband, his uncle, he would kill her.
"Your life is over. Your kids are over. You’re dead," Mohammed, who was over six-feet tall and weight 213 pounds, told her.
On the morning of the murder, Andira said her nephew came to her home and repeatedly rang the doorbell. When she didn't answer, he started pounding on the windows — all in full view of her children.
He then came inside and started beating his aunt in the face, stomach and back with balled fists. She said she didn't call the police because she wanted him to calm down.
Andria also said she was worried that exposing their affair would put her in danger of an "honor killing," which is when male members of a family kill female members of the family who have brought shame upon them.
Police were eventually called to the home but were told a burglary had taken place. When Andira told the officers that it was a misunderstanding, they left, and then she stabbed Mohammed in the back with a kitchen knife.
He bled to death in her driveway.
After a relative of the family testified in the trial, he asked the judge for a protective order because he said the family threatened him. Wael Abdelaziz told the jury that his cousin, Mohammed, was violent and would constantly start fights at the store the family owned.
He said would take money from the cash registers whenever he wanted.
“We stopped counting how many times he got into fights,” Wael said. “He chooses his enemy — he’s looking for somebody who can’t hurt him, someone smaller that can’t defend himself.”
If Andria is convicted, she faces life in prison.