Meet The Man Running For Congress Who Openly Admits He's A Pedophile, Advocates For White Supremacy And Says Rape Is The 'Solution' For Feminism

He said rape is the solution to feminism.

Pedophile And Violent Misogynist Running For Congress

Nathan Larson advocates rape, white supremacy, incest, and pedophilia — and he’s running for Congress.

Larson, 37, is a Virginian accountant living out of his parent’s home.

He identifies himself as “quasi-neoreactionary libertarian” and is running as an independent in Virginia's 10th congressional district, according to The Washington Post.

The congressional candidate is all but secretive about his widely frowned upon beliefs.


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In his campaign manifesto, Larson details his plan of action if elected and pushes a pedophile-friendly agenda that focuses on white supremacy.

“As Representative, my main agenda will be (1) stopping the war on drugs, (2) protecting gun ownership rights, and (3) putting an end to U.S. involvement in foreign wars arising from our country's alliance with Israel. I will also restore (4) benevolent white supremacy, (5) private borders, (6) patriarchy, (7) freedom of speech, (8) freedom from age restrictions, (9) suicide rights, (10) jury trial rights, (11) discrimination rights, and (12) free trade,” he writes.


In an interview with Huffington Post, Larson openly admitted he was a pedophile and confirmed he had created and, chat rooms where violent misogynists and pedophiles alike gathered. Both sites were shut down by their domain host Tuesday.

On one platform, Larson wrote a 3,300-word essay titled “Here’s How to Psyche Yourself Up to Feel Entitled to Rape,” where he tells readers rape is a “solution” to feminism.

“Don’t forget: feminism is the problem, and rape is the solution,” he wrote.


Huffington Post asked Larson if he was truly a pedophile or if he just wrote about pedophilia and he said both.

“It’s a mix of both,” he said. “When people go over the top there’s a grain of truth to what they say.”

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He has bragged about repeatedly raping his wife, who had a restraining order against him and has since committed suicide. He lost custody of their daughter after his wife’s death and has only seen her once during a supervised visit, The Washington Post reports. He has since remarried.

In 2009, Larson was sentenced to 16 months in prison for threatening to kill the president.


He pleaded guilty to sending a letter to the Secret Service in 2008, in which he threatened to murder either George W. Bush or Barack Obama.

Though the odds are against him, Larson thinks he will appeal to those who are afraid of saying what they truly believe.

“A lot of people are tired of political correctness and being constrained by it,” Larson told Huffington Post. “People prefer when there’s an outsider who doesn’t have anything to lose and is willing to say what’s on a lot of people’s minds.”

He went on to tell the Post that feminists are the reason for school shootings and that women should be treated as “sex slaves” and “baby factories.”


“Many boys end up fatherless because feminists encouraged female sexual promiscuity and undermined husbands’ authority over their wives,” Larson said. “Guns don’t kill people — feminists do.”

Along with wanting to legalize early marriage and child pornography, Larson thinks that child labor laws should be eliminated.

This is not the first time Larson has sought a seat in Congress.

In 2008, he ran for Congress in Virginia’s 1st District and ran again in 2017 for Virginia’s House of Delegates District 31.

He won less than two percent of the vote in 2017 but his low numbers don’t seem to deter him from running for office a third time.


“People are open-minded,” he told HuffPost. “A lot of people who disagreed with someone like Trump … might vote for them anyway just because the establishment doesn’t like them.”

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Sarah Gangraw is a travel-addicted cat lady who lives on black coffee and cheese. She went to college in Australia, graduated from the University of Central Florida, and writes about all things news and crime. You can follow her on Instagram and Twitter — she's occasionally funny.