New Details About Tristan Thompson's Sex Tape And The Kardashian Clone He Cheated With
Khloe is home waiting for the birth of her first child. But what is Tristan Thompson up to?

The last few weeks of every pregnancy are hard but for Khloe Kardashian things keep getting harder. While the expectant mama and baby are reportedly doing just fine health-wise, Kardashian’s relationship with Tristan Thompson may be in need of some serious first aid!
Khloe is home in Cleveland awaiting the birth of the couple’s first child together (Thompson has a son from a pervious relationship). But Thompson, a player for the Cleveland Cavaliers, is playing ball and possibly playing around out of town. Rumors — and videos! — are popping up all over the internet about Thompson’s alleged infidelities.
The latest? TMZ reports that a woman with the handle @ms.stephaniee_ posted an Insta story filled with texts allegedly from Thompson to her and even shared a video of a couple gettin’ busy.
What’s the latest on this situation? Here’s everything you need to know!
1. News broke this weekend that Thompson was seen with another woman in New York.
There's all kinds of video of Thompson with a woman in a New York City hotel on Saturday, April 7. Reports have the two spending hours together in Thompson’s hotel before hitting some parties that night. Video shows the two of them engaging in PDA before heading back to Tristan’s room around 5am. The woman was then spotted leaving the hotel at 8pm on Sunday wearing the same clothes she had on when she went in. Walk of shame, anyone?
2. Someone had sex with Tristan and posted the tape to prove it!
TMZ reports that a woman with the handle @ms.stephaniee_ posted an Insta story filled with texts allegedly from Thompson to her and even shared a video of a couple having sex. The video was too quick to see for sure who the people were but Ms. Stephaniee says it’s her and Tristan. She also tagged Thompson in some posts, saying "Let Us Be Happy @RealTristan13". But don’t go rushing to over to IG to look — she deleted the posts and now she’s locked her account.
3. The texts are hot stuff!
If the texts she posted are the real deal, Tristan is in BIG trouble. TMZ says one of the texts says "If I was there I would grab u while u try to walk away from me than I would pull ya hair and kiss you than rip ya clothes off and lay u down while I suck ya p**** and say sorry." No matter how good Thompson is with a basketball, there’s no way to spin that well.
4. The woman is a KKW wannabe!
Before locking up her account, the Insta star used to post lots of pictures looking a whole lot like Khloe's big sister Kim Kardashian West. She even described her self as "Kim Kardashian Oldest" on her Insta account. The similarities between big sis and sidechick are enough to give anyone the creeps.
5. This isn’t the first rumor about Thompson running around behind Khloe’s back.
Back in October, TMZ reported that Thompson had been hanging at a hookah bar in DC with some non-Kardashian women. The site posted video showing him touching and motorboating the women.
5. This isn’t his first time cheating on a pregnant girlfriend.
Back in 2016, Tristan’s then-girlfriend Jordan Craig was pregnant with their son Prince when he started cheating on her — with Khloe! It looks like history is repeating itself.
There's been no word from the Kardashian Kamp about this story yet. Stay tuned for more breaking news about this drama!
Rebekah Kuschmider is a DC area writer with a background in non-profit management and advocacy. Her work has been seen at Ravishly, Babble, Scary Mommy, The Mid, Redbook online, and The Broad Side. She is the creator of the blog Stay at Home Pundit and is a contributor the book Love Her, Love Her Not: The Hillary Paradox. She is a cohost of the weekly political podcast The More Perfect Union.