25 Amanda Torroni Poems From Instagram That Will Make You Re-Look At Your Life

Do you like poetry that tells you secrets about your own life?

Amanda Torroni Quotes Instagram Poet

Poetry can be the window into someone else's soul or maybe even your own. Amanda Torroni's Instagram and Etsy shop are a window to her soul and she bares it all in her emotion-strewn poems.

Some poems will make you cry, grieve for old relationships and feel empowered to take on the adventures of life. Her best quotes really bring out all the feels. 

As someone who loves poetry and how the artist is able to express their feelings in ways we never thought feelings could ever be expressed before.The best quotes that come from poems stick with you.


Comparing freckles on someone’s face to stars in the sky and saying how men can be exciting or toxic by making them synonymous to firefighters and flames.

Poems not only help you realize what you are feeling but it brings a whole new world to your own life and all the possibilities of creativity that comes along with it.

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Having a go-to poem to help you get through some of life’s stressful events can be helpful. Not only because you have something to read but because you can relate to those emotions that Amanda conveys in her Instagram posts. 

If you love poetry or if you need something to read that will help you see the light in a bleak situation then hopping onto her Instagram will do you justice. Learning new ways to look at life and love while also embracing new perspectives from a different point of view can be a great outcome from taking a peek at her social media.

If you need to make someone smile or be less angry with you then show them one of these poems Amanda has created on her own.

1. Being sensitive can be challenging. 

"Try not to forget that I'm sensitive. That's all the best parts of me I give freely, shimmy the rest into skinny jeans and Chuck Taylor's"- Amanda Torroni

2. This poem expresses love perfectly.


"I wasn't admiring the freckles on your skin; I was stargazing. And when I said I wanted to make love to you, I meant all of you."- Amanda Torroni 

3. Reckless, crazy love always creates a story.

"Loving him was unstrapping my seatbelt, ignoring all the traffic lights, open container in the cup holder, hugging curves at 88 miles per hour"- Amanda Torroni

4. Your uniqueness sets you apart.


"You have nothing to be jealous of when it comes to other people. You have something that no other human being on the planet possesses- the ability to be you."- Amanda Torroni

5. Is he the excitement or the reason behind the failed relationship?

"Not all men are firefighters. Some are the flame."- Amanda Torroni

6. Classic questions in art form.


"Am I wasting my time wondering if the feelings are reciprocal? Don't I at least deserve to know?"- Amanda Torroni 

7. If it is meant to be then it is meant to be.

"My heart line falls between my first and middle finger, so I should know to pull the reigns on its galloping."- Amanda Torroni

8. If you need to know what love feels like.


"How will you know if you've found a soul mate? Will you recognize them immediately?"- Amanda Torroni

9. Never give up.

"So you're up to your neck. You're a sinking ship, sea water coming in swift from unknown leaks you wouldn't be able to plug anyway because you've run out of fingers to cover the holes with."- Amanda Torroni

10. Your eyes are the window to your soul.


"When you look at me, I need you to feel like you know me. Like you know everything."- Amanda Torroni

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11. Learning how to love someone is most important.

"The others have always taken your highways, the most direct route to the center of you."- Amanda Torroni 

12. Baring your soul is more than taking off your clothes.


"Strip me down to nothing- nude beneath the moon, stars afire under feet. And on bare, unbranded body, I'll write: 'This isn't all of me."- Amanda Torroni 

13. Mistakes are never really mistakes.

"You never talk about your regrets, do you have any? I guess, but I don't like to call them regrets. I refer to them as wonderings"- Amanda Torroni 

14. The secret about relationships.


"Here's something that everyone knows but not everyone will readily admit: relationships are, by nature, a power struggle. And the person with the most power is the one that cares the least"- Amanda Torroni

15. No one is damaged beyond repair.

"Come to me with singed hands from fires you didn't start but tried to put out anyway, blistered feet from burning hearts you walked across."- Amanda Torroni

16. Soul mates are never on purpose.


"How did we get here? Why, of all the people on the planet, did you and I seek comfort in one another?"- Amanda Torroni 

17. Taking action is poetic.

"There are days where I wake up and only I will know how they begin; I will make coffee and french toast."- Amanda Torroni 

18. The "What If's" are complicated.


"You and me will always wonder what this could have been. But I don't want to have to wonder how you're doing, if you're okay, if you need someone to talk to and not be there for you."- Amanda Torroni 

19. If soft deep down, act tough.

"There are sheep and there are wolves"- Amanda Torroni

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20. Who can see your sadness?

"That day you finally recognized my sorrow-an abandoned house with boarded windows, derelict and dying, a tomb not even a squatter would occupy."- Amanda Torroni

21. Was it destiny or happenstance? 

"Is it strange I imagine scenarios where out paths cross?"- Amanda Torroni

22. The perfect pep talk.


"I need you to know, you're still the brightest damn thing I've ever seen."- Amanda Torroni

23. Friendship is important.

"It always surprises me. No matter how much time passes, we manage to pick up exactly where we left off."- Amanda Torroni 

24. Keeping out the memories of him/her is difficult for everyone.


"I'm surrounding my house in black holes because landmines weren't enough to keep your ghost away. You still come knocking at my door."- Amanda Torroni

25. Everything happens for a reason.

"Do you think we'd still be friends if we met now?"- Amanda Torroni 

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