I Shot Sound Waves Into My Penis To Give Myself Stronger Erections
Well, that's one way to do it!

Last week, my buddy Steve and I went on a road trip to have a doctor shoot sound waves into our penises in order to supercharge our boners. You know… just some casual male bonding.
When the people at GAINSWave reached out to me and asked if I wanted to try out their new penis-boosting technology, I jumped at the opportunity. The procedure, for the 99% of you who haven’t heard of it, is also known as extracorporeal shock wave therapy.
GAINSWave is the newest (and most promising) therapy that utilizes low-intensity shock wave therapy to improve erectile strength and performance for people suffering from erectile dysfunction. Over 50% of men experience challenges with sexual performance as they get older. As they age, blood vessels in the penis deteriorate and fill with micro-plaque which results in decreased blood flow.
The shock wave therapy clears out the plaque, generates new blood vessels in your penis, and generally makes for happier, healthier, stronger erections due to increased blood flow. It’s non-invasive, requires zero medication, and, after 15+ years of clinical studies, has no known side effects.
While I am (at the time of writing this) a healthy 30-year-old male, I was curious to see what GAINSWave therapy could do for me in terms of increasing both my performance and pleasure. People with full-blown erectile dysfunction tend to do anywhere from 6-12 treatment sessions, and so I wanted to see if doing one session would give me a noticeable bump in the quality of my already healthy erections (spoiler alert: it did).
Besides, as the guy who ranks #1 for ‘strong penis’ in the world, three years running… how could I possibly say no?
At present, there are only two places offering this technology in Canada. It was a five-hour drive through rain, snow, and black ice to get to the office in Kelowna, BC, and we were hoping that it would be worth the trip. We eventually arrived in one piece and walked into the office of an anti-aging specialist named Dr. Woychuk.
Dr. Wes Woychuk greeted us and we immediately knew we were in for a unique experience.
Dr. Woychuk has been an emergency room doctor for over thirty years, and an anti-aging specialist in more recent years. We talked about our experience in men’s groups, the changing social view of men’s emotions, what being a man means, and how male sexual health and penile functionality decreases with age.
He was warm and engaging, and we felt immediately comfortable with him. Comfortable enough to let him blast 10,000 rounds of sound waves into our most prized possessions.
I walked around the brightly lit office and looked at the goods. The device that would be blasting sound waves into my groin looked harmless enough. Kind of like a space-aged dildo with an easy-to-grip handle.
The doctor had me take my pants off, lie down on a padded table, and then he proceeded to apply a numbing cream to my penis in order to dull the sensation that I was about to feel. After waiting a few minutes (at which point my penis felt sufficiently numb), he then squirted half a bottle of ultrasound gel on to the rest of my crotch.
Next, he picked up the device, told me that we would be doing five rounds of 2,000 shocks (so 10,000 in total) and that we were aiming to agitate the tissue enough that it would become noticeably red with irritation. The therapy would take about ten minutes in total.
At this point, I hadn’t been anticipating that there would be any pain (because, how could sound waves possibly agitate anything?). Turns out my assumptions were wrong, but only slightly.
If you have ever had any laser work done before (laser hair removal, the early stages of tattoo removal, etc.), it feels similar to that. For the uninitiated, it feels like someone is gently snapping an elastic band against your skin, but doing it really rapidly. It isn’t particularly pleasant (especially since it’s happening on your most sensitive parts) but it is completely bearable. I have a fairly low pain tolerance, and I barely broke a sweat during the procedure… so it wasn’t too bad.
By the fourth round of treatment, I definitely noticed some redness and mild swelling in the areas being treated (most noticeably on the lower halves of my penile shaft — or corpus cavernosa if you’re fancy).
After all five rounds were completed, I wiped off the ultrasound gel with the provided towel and put my pants back on. At this point, I didn’t really know what to expect to feel… especially since my penis was still completely numb from the numbing cream.
After the procedure, I asked the doctor a few questions about what to expect in the near future.
- When would the numbing cream wear off? (Within two hours)
- When would the redness calm down? (Within 48 hours)
- When would I start to see results in terms of how my penis was responding to the treatment? (Within 12-48 hours)
- When would I see the majority of the benefits of the treatment? (Between 1-4 weeks from the procedure)
- How much medical research has gone into this specific application of shockwave therapy? (Over 40 clinical studies have taken place – for example, this study, this study, this study, and this study)
BecauseGAINSWave is essentially agitating your penile tissue and blasting out all of the stuck calcium and micro-plaque that accumulates in the body with aging, most of the effects would be seen after the tissue had had time to respond to/repair from the therapy.
As of the time of writing this, it has been two weeks since I had the treatment done and I can confirm that my erections have been fuller, more frequent, have had better lasting power, and my orgasms have been noticeably more intense. I’ve also noticed a decreased recovery time between my orgasms (aka refractory period).
Multiple times I have woken up with nocturnal erections (and morning wood) that are fuller than I’ve had since I was a teenager (and probably even better). And I’m talking fuller to the point where I’ve literally had the thought, “If my penis stayed this hard for a full hour, it might do damage.”
I am very impressed with the results that I’ve seen in such a short amount of time, and I would recommend the procedure to anyone who is curious about getting a boost in erectile strength and overall sensitivity.
Where penis pumps and PDE5 inhibitors like Viagra and Cialis are band-aid fixes that temporarily alleviate symptoms of erectile dysfunction, GAINSWave is the only therapy I know of that heals the issue of erectile dysfunction at the root by removing the micro-plaque from within the arterial walls.
“Multinational clinical trials demonstrate it as a safe, effective, and well-tolerated treatment for erectile dysfunction, which includes men who do not respond to PDE5- inhibitor, Viagra.” – Urology Times, Oct 2015
The downside? Recent findings have shown that 76% of patients responded positively to the therapy, which means that it isn’t necessarily a guaranteed thing. And at about $500 per treatment, that might not be a risk you can afford to take. But my assumption is that a percentage of that 24% of study patients who didn’t see a noticeable change may have had other comorbidities that complicated their health.
But for now, personally, I’m a fan of this new therapy. And I plan on doing another session or two in the not too distant future.
I’m also surprised, with how effective it is, that it hasn’t gotten more press than it has… but I suppose a therapy that uses sound waves isn’t as easily understood as taking a seemingly magic pill like Viagra or Cialis.
I’m excited that men’s sexual health is becoming an increasingly common conversation around the world. I’m excited that there are options for men other than Viagra and Cialis with far fewer side effects (i.e. none). And I’m excited that more men (of all ages) will have more deeply fulfilling sex lives because of treatments like this one.
If you’re curious about this new technology, you can find out more through the GAINSWave website.
Sex and relationship coach Jordan Gray helps people remove their emotional blocks and maintain thriving intimate relationships. You can see more of his writing at JordanGrayConsulting.com