How To Make Your Soulmate Search WAY Easier By Preparing For REAL Love

Take control of your own destiny (and stop wasting your own time).

finding love soulmate while dating Photo by Andre Hunter on Unsplash

Yes, it's true, soulmates DO exist.

For some, a soulmate means Prince Charming is waiting on his noble steed.


For others, it's the person they are fated to be with, who completes them perfectly, who fits with them like two pieces of a puzzle.

Some just want a Jack to their Rose, a Noah to their Allie, a Mr. Darcy to their Elizabeth or maybe a Beast to gift them with a library of their own.

For the more skeptical among us, a soulmate is simply the person with whom we are most compatible, and who will do the daily work to create a healthy relationship so that love can last. 



However you define it, everyone has that special someone. 

Finding them, however, can be a very stressful process.

It's easy to find yourself feeling hopeless when date after date seems to lead nowhere, even if you're a firm believer in the concept of a soulmate.


You may wish that your soulmate would appear out of nowhere as if it were destiny, but you know dating is a necessary evil in the process.

With that in mind, is there any way to ensure we stop wasting time on relationship doomed to go nowhere, on our path to find soulmate love?

The answer, I'm sure you'll be glad to know, is YES!

In our latest Ask An Expert video, Relationship Expert and life coach Zoe Shaw — a licensed psychotherapist — offers advice that can help every single woman navigate the dating world — AND find their soulmate without all the stress.



Here are two of Dr. Shaw's best tips for how to attract your soulmate, or, at the very least set yourself up to meet a partner with whom can be truly compatible. 

1. Make yourself a soulmate map.

If you're driving someplace you've never been, you need a map so you don't get lost.

The same is true when finding your soulmate. It's uncharted territory. You can definitely try to navigate the waters on your own and maybe you'll manage to get through unscathed with minimal heartache.

But why risk getting lost futile relationships and delayed by men who it will never work out with?

If you have a map of what you want in your partner, a soulmate checklist, you'll be that much closer to finding the quality man you should be dating.


We all know how we want a tall dark and handsome man (or whomever it is that tickles our fancy!) to come sweep us off our feet, but that's not what this list is about.

What are the important things about him that are important to you? What personality traits do you want your soulmate to have

Do you want him to be intelligent? Kind? Giving? Honest?

Well, you get the idea. Figure out what matters most to you, the personality traits that you cannot live without.

2. Once you find someone who fits your list, be honest.

We all know that honesty is the best policy and the key to a successful healthy relationship. And none of us would dream of marrying someone without the whole truth being out there in the open.


However, when you tell him everything can also save you from unnecessary heartache.

Very often, we fear being honest about the "baggage" we bring, and so we push it off until the relationship is more serious.

The problem is this: Our "baggage" is part of who we are. Whether it's our children, a mental illness, or something else we're scared will send him running, these things are a part of our lives.

It may sound cliche, but if he cannot accept or handle that part of us, he's definitely not the one, and he's not worth your time.

You don't have to bring it up on your first date but don't leave it until you're both emotionally invested in the relationship. It'll only hurt that much more if it has to end.


Not to mention all the time you could've been using to be with someone else — maybe even your true soulmate!


Dating is always a risk.

Yes, you'll date people who are totally wrong for you and you may have to go through a couple of painful breakups, but that's what love is.

Love is about taking chances to find the person you're meant to be with forever.


Your soulmate is out there. You just have to be strong in your beliefs and in your heart and then nothing will be able to stand in your way.

If you need help with your soulmate map, finding your soulmate or any other dating and relationship problem, reach out to Zoe. She's here to help!