How To Have An Orgasm Using The A-Spot (Yes, It Exists!)
With the A-spot, the key to orgasm isn’t touch, it’s pressure and movement.

Contrary to belief, the G-Spot isn’t the only way to achieve an orgasm during intercourse. Let me introduce to you, with much enthusiasm, the A-Spot.
The Anterior Fornix Erogenous zone is an area of sensitivity that is located at the back end of the clitoris, where the wall begins to curve upwards. The A-Spot is beyond the G-Spot, just above the cervix, and can be located during anal sex. It’s known as the equivalent of the male prostate; however, it can be found during PIV penetration and foreplay as well.
Only 11% of women have discovered this zone, which is quite honestly, a shame. We have zones, people, let’s find ’em and awaken ’em!
How do you stimulate the A-Spot?
To begin, like any type of foreplay, trim your nails and insert a clean and lubricated finger into the deepest point in your vagina. Once you locate a round and firm area in the vagina, you know you have reached the cervix. Move your finger, gently, over this area like a windshield wiper.
Since the A-Spot is located at the back of the vagina, fingers or anal sex can trigger this zone. But don’t worry, a long penis isn’t necessary for accessing the A-Spot. A vagina’s average length is less than 3 inches, making it possible to reach in various positions with penetration.
But with the A-spot, the key to orgasm isn’t touch, it’s pressure and movement, says sexual health excerpt Jennifer Berman, M.D.
Unlike the G-Spot, which incorporates the “come here” motion, the A-Spot doesn’t respond to this movement because it applies too much pressure to the area.
As said before, the A-Spot can also be found during anal sex. The indirect stimulation between the vagina and the rectum can trigger the back side where the A-Spot is located.
What’s so great about the A-Spot?
The Malaysian doctor who discovered the A-Sport in the 1990s, Dr. Chua Chee Ann, says that stimulating this area can increase lubrication in women. Reaching the A-Spot 10 minutes a day can greatly improve vaginal dryness.
In 1985, Dr. Chua was in New Delhi at the Asian Conference of Sexology when he saw a video about the phenomenon of female ejaculation. He thought about the transference of fluid and how female ejaculation could be channeled in order to create vaginal lubrication for those experiencing dryness. Dr. Chua found the A-Spot in 1989 and conducted clinical trials between 1990-1994 in 271 women who were experiencing vaginal dryness.
Moreover, the stimulation of the A-Spot can create several intense orgasms. The clitoris can suffer from post-orgasm sensitivity, but the A-Spot does not. What does this mean? It means no rest periods are required when arousing the A-Spot.
The A-Spot, also known as the deep spot, is all about experimentation. In addition to this erogenous zone, there is the U-Spot, the G-Spot, the P-Spot, and the K-Spot — phew! A serious world to explore which make it hard to come up with an excuse for the orgasm gap to even exist. Let’s close it, one spot at a time.