Yes, The G-Spot Is Real! Here's How To Find It And Have The Most Powerful Kind Of Orgasms
Is the G-spot elusive in many women? Yes. Does is exist? Most definitely.

Among the top questions I get asked as a sex educator, the following are among the most common: "Does the G-spot really exist in women?" "Where is the female G-spot located?" "How do you find a woman's G-spot?" and "Does G-spot stimulation cause women to have 'squirting' orgasms?"
Yes, the G-spot does exist, and if you want to have (or give) G-spot orgasms, you just have to know how to find it!
Keep in mind that everyone is different, no one body is built the same way, and each of us has sensitive nerve endings in different places throughout our anatomy.
Where is the G-spot located (and what is it)?
The G-spot, or Gräfenberg Spot (named after the German gynecologist who first "discovered" it), is a bean-shaped area of spongy erectile tissue surrounding the urethra. The system of glands and ducts is located inside the vagina toward the vaginal wall (picture the location of your belly button, but from the inside). However, when aroused it can become the size of a walnut.
Based on recent imaging studies of female anatomy, researchers now consider the G-spot to be part of what's known as the clitourethrovaginal (CUV) complex — the clitoris, urethra, and anterior vaginal wall — an area which, stimulated properly, can induce intense orgasms.
What does the G-spot feel like?
When the G-spot is aroused, it feels bumpy and is rougher than the rest of the vaginal wall. This is because the G-spot is composed of erectile tissue, which means it swells up when blood rushes to it.
Fun fact: The reason many doctors have previously insisted the G-spot doesn't exist is because it cannot be felt in many women unless they are in a state of sexual arousal, and few things are as far from arousing as a visit to the doctor.
Try an experiment: Take your tongue and touch the roof of your mouth. How does that feel? Does it feel bumpy? Your G-spot will also feel bumpy — like the roof of your mouth — it is aroused.
How to find the G-spot
First and foremost, as mentioned above, the G-spot is easiest to locate when you are aroused.
When the tissue is swollen during sexual arousal, it makes the area firmer than the rest of the surrounding vaginal wall. Once aroused, you can find the G-spot about 2 to 3 inches inside the upper vaginal wall. Some women find it easier to have someone else locate their G-spot, and the location will vary slightly in each individual.
To locate your own G-spot, lay on your back and use lubricant on your index and/or middle finger. Insert your finger into the vagina as far as it will easily go, then run your finger along the top wall of the vagina. Feel for an area that feels different from the rest of the tissue. Once you find that spot, make a "come hither" motion by curling your finger(s) upward so you are pressing toward your belly button.
How to have a G-spot orgasm
Because of the G-spot's tricky location, it might be easier to find using sex toys specifically designed with a curve meant to hit the G-spot. It's important to note that for some women, G-spot stimulation can take around 20 minutes before bringing them to orgasm. That's a long time (and why a sex toy or G-spot vibrator would come in handy)!
It's equally important to note that some women require firm and constant pressure on their G-spot in order to be stimulated sufficiently to have an orgasm.
Is a G-spot orgasm more powerful than a clitoral orgasm?
Again, that depends on you. For some women it is, and for some women, it's the same.
In fact, some medical professionals doubt whether the anatomical structure corresponds to an orgasm or whether the stimulation affects other sensitive areas of a woman. When the tissue is stimulated, the tissue lifts the vaginal wall, either triggering sensations around the clitoris or sending its own set of pleasurable sensations.
Some people believe that the intensity of a woman's G-spot orgasm is aided by the hormone estrogen.
Most women under 30 find clitoral orgasms to be stronger. Due to their high estrogen levels, their vaginal lining may be too thick to access the G-spot nerves. As the estrogen levels decline in a woman's 30s, her vaginal lining becomes thinner, making the G-spot is more accessible and more sensitive to stimulation.
What are the best sex positions for G-spot stimulation and orgasms?
Sex positions that allow for deep, forward thrusting penetration while allowing a woman maintain some control over the speed and degree of stimulation against her G-spot tend to be the best for having G-spot orgasms.
These include, but certainly are not limited to, the following:
- Missionary position
- The spooning position
- Cowgirl (woman-on-top) position
- Doggie style position
- The G-force position: Start by lying down on your back. He kneels facing you, about where your legs are, and lifts your hips up level with his to enter you. You can bend your knees and have him hold your feet or legs on either side of you while he plunges deep inside.
Can G-spot stimulation cause female ejaculation?
This G-spot orgasm sometimes produces female ejaculation, also refered to as "squirting orgasms."
Women sometimes ejaculate due to the release of fluids from the Skene's glands at the bottom of the urethra at the point of orgasm.
When the G-spot is stimulated, some women may initially feel what seems like an urge to urinate. This is normal. This feeling goes away once the G-spot is swollen and perhaps a potential orgasm is on its way. (If this sensation makes you nervous, try urinating prior to getting started, and lie on a waterproof blanket.)
Don't be discouraged if you can't find your G-spot.
Some women don't feel anything, while others feel discomfort. Remember what works for someone else might not work for you.
And don't forget that you might have better luck with a G-spot vibrator or dildo. Look for the following when shopping for sex toys meant to stimulate the G-spot:
- Hard toys, because the G-spot responds to pressure.
- Curved toys, to target the upper vaginal wall.
Now that you know all of the secrets of the G-spot, experiment and see what pleasure you can discover from one of the most intense types of orgasms women can experience.
Stacy Rybchin is a sex educator and founder and CEO of My Secret Luxury and My Secret Soiree, a co-op of sexual health and wellness educators with diverse backgrounds and experiences.