7 Aphrodisiac Smells Guaranteed To Get Her In THE MOOD
Having trouble getting in the mood?

Relationships, like life, aren't always easy to navigate, and sometimes life gets in the way by distracting us from what's important in our partnerships.
It's so common for us to not even realize that we're putting off sex, and once we realize it, we sort of fall into this cycle of believing we've already waited so long, a bit longer won't hurt. A dry spell ends up lasting months.
We get home, tired from work, maybe having to take care of little ones, and amid the day's activities, we get lost — and tired. Boy, talk about a mood killer. It's almost impossible to get that turned-on sensation anymore.
If your partner isn't on the same page at the time, getting revved up for dirty deeds is about the last thing on either of your minds.
But believe it or not, there ARE some ways to turn your woman on (that don't have to do with saying or doing anything overtly sexual). Aphrodisiac smells are more powerful than you might imagine, and if you combine these with some SMOOTH MOVES, you have a real chance at some sexy-time in your near future.
There are so many factors behind a lack of attraction to sex — fatigue, responsibilities, depression, a combination of multiple things. It's no one's fault, and it's safe to say that, at many points in our lives, this is totally normal. But there are steps that you can take in order to ensure a healthier, more spunky sex life.
We all want to have fun in bed, so incorporate these sexy smells in your date to make things SUPER romantic. Light a candle, set the mood music, maybe cook some sexy foods and up your charm, and you and your lady are sure to have an awesome night!
Vanilla is not too sweet, but it's also just sweet enough to be sensual. Buy your girl some vanilla lip balm — or better yet, a vanilla-scented body mist — and she just might start to feel things.
Obviously, it's not a miracle cure, but getting her something that smells like this is definitely a good place to start.
There's nothing quite like peppermint. It has this intriguing, Christmas-like smell that simply hooks you.
Give a peppermint bark to your girlfriend and remind her of a nice Christmas morning, even if we're nowhere near it.
Or dab a bit of peppermint oil and use it as a sexy mystery smell in your room to set the mood. You can't go wrong. (Just don't go overboard).
Don't you love a nice cinnamon roll right out of the oven? Whether it's a cinnamon roll, a churro, coffee with cinnamon, or anything else where she'll catch the strong whiff of cinnamon, she's going to be ALL OVER YOU.
Okay, it may not happen THAT quickly, but it'll be sure to get her mind happy and in the right place.
Musk, famous for its strong, sultry scent, is an ingredient often found in perfumes and colognes. For good reason, of course. This is quite a strong, compelling smell — and is sure to have your girl begging for you.
Musk has that little something that brings a typical perfume from blah to SHAZAM, and totally gets her in the mood.
Mint teas or mint lemonades are easy additions — and should be, in fact, staples — to your dinner routine. Mint is so good for you, and the smell is so seductive that it will be easy to get turned on by a first whiff.
Whether as a flower or in tea form, lavender is sure to turn some heads and repeatedly steal a whiff at the calming scent. There are even face lotions with lavender in them, which is supposed to be good for your girlfriend — and for you, because it will surely turn her on.
Even better, go for one of those aromatherapy lavender lotions. SUPER sexy and you can turn it into a smell-good massage. WIN-WIN.
Perhaps the one you're gonna like best — and probably the LEAST shocking of all (but also the most illegal one, depending on where you live) — marijuana offers women a sensation of euphoria.
The smell awakens us and, if smoked, has proven to be a fantastic way to arouse a woman. Hey, they even make THC-infused LUBE, so it's GOT to work.
Don't get in trouble though!