The Easiest Way To Tell EXACTLY What Your Future Kids Will Look Like

Being in a relationship with someone is one of the most wonderful feelings there is. When you're truly and utterly in love with someone, you can't help but look to the future and hope they would be there with you.
If you and your significant other have talked about marriage or raising a family, you are sure to wonder what your kids would look like. Would they have your eyes and her nose? Or would they have his sharp jaw and her full lips? These are typical questions that allow you to let your imagination run wild, imagining that perfect combination of a child.
Lucky for you (and us!), Viralthread has provided a 7-Step guide to predicting what your future child will look like:
1. Weight strong genes vs. weak genes.
If you're a dark-skinned, curly-haired brunette with dark eyes, big nose, thick lips, and a wide chin, you have the strongest genes of all! You are more likely to pass on one or several of these traits to your future child.
Apologies to redheads or anyone with light-colored straight hair, gray or blue eyes, and light skin, but there is less of a chance of passing these genes on to your future child (unless you and your partner have the same traits — then, obviously, your child will have them, too).
2. Decode your DNA combinations.
Although having strong genes makes it more likely for you to pass on these traits, it's not often the case. There is more to the combination of DNA than having strong genes overpowering the weak. There are patterns. It's not a matter of strong versus weak.
3. Predict their eye color.
As mentioned above, DNA works in patterns. Follow the eye color chart below and find out the likelihood of your child getting your eye color or your partner's. Of course, as mentioned before, dark eyes tend to win.
4. Look at your family tree.
As mentioned before, brown hair is a very strong trait. Depending on your family tree, if you are in a family of mostly brunettes, your child will also most likely be a brunette.
So, for example, if you are a brunette with blue eyes and your partner is blonde with brown eyes, your child is most likely to have brown hair and brown eyes.
5. Remember: "Weak" genes can show up in future generations.
So, your kid may not inherit your blonde hair because your partner's brown hair won over. And you may not be able to pass on your blue eyes because your partner's brown eyes won over. However, these so-called "weak" genes can still surprise you by showing up in later generations.
For example, if your brunette and brown-eyed child marries another brunette and brown-eyed, their child may get the "strong" genes or brown hair-brown eyes, but they are also likely to have the blonde and blue eyes genes, too.
6. Try genetic manufacturing.
This is kind of in the lines of meddling with nature, and you may have a different stance when it comes to this. But because of modern technology, you can now pick and choose traits that you want to pass on, and science can make it possible. It also allows the parents to remove handicap traits and genetic diseases passed on.
This is called the Great Genetic Debate and it's quite taboo. But you know what? The beauty of not knowing the future are the surprises. Science may be able to accurately predict or, in the case of Genetic Manufacturing, choose the traits we want our future children to have. But there is still a thrill and a certain treasure in not knowing the future.
Your child may not look like how you imagine them to be, but during that time, it may no longer matter.