The Ultimate Guide To The Pain, Process And Benefits Of Getting Your Nipples & Clit Pierced
Everything you need to know before you go!

As many women do, I see my body as a playground. A playground for me and whoever I permit to view it. Therefore, like any playground mine would not be complete without decorations; graffiti if you will.
Tattoos and piercing are often our preferred decor. I have an itty bitty tattoo that does not make me cool or qualify me as a sexy tattoo lady ... but I do have some badass piercings!
In this article, I hope to share with you what I have experienced with these piercings both during sexy time and just in plain old life so you can make an informed decision if you choose to get a piercing to increase your pleasure or modify your appearance.
Nipple Piercing
Pain: 10/10
But, as any with piercing, it only lasts for long enough for you to realize it really hurts!
I can’t tell you what it felt like the first time because I broke the first rule of piercings and took hydrocodone before my appointment. I can tell you that I looked down at my nipple and experienced mental pain.
There I was, sitting in the chair with a needle just chilling in my nipple, and though I wasn’t feeling physical pain, it hurt something deep in my brain to see such an important part of my womanhood pierced. My friend screamed out, “Your mother’s a whore!” during her second nipple piercing, so it can’t feel good for anyone.
Healing Process:
Nipples are notoriously difficult healers, so expect “crusties” for a while.
Like belly button piercings, your nipple ring can get aggravated by something pulling on it wrong or a product it doesn’t like (like lotion). It is also aggravated by hormonal menstrual cycles in women.
Be careful not to let anything get wrapped around the piercing. If something pulls on it, you will NOT be a happy camper. My worst story about my piercing was when I somehow got my hair looped around it.
If something is caught, DO NOT use force to remove it. Inspect the problem and deal with it as gently as you can.
And try to keep your jewelry in at all costs! If you have to unscrew a ball, try to keep the bar in its normal position. Remember that ball piercings screw on in opposite directions of each other.
Overall healing time should be about 3-6 months. My piercer told me, “The bigger the boobs, the longer the wait” — so keep that in mind.
This piercing needs to be cleaned daily for the first month with a simple soap or saline solution soak (ask your piercer what they prefer). Later in the piercing’s life, you’ll need to clean it 2-3 times a week for at least six months.
Wearing Bras:
For the first couple of days, I would recommend going with no bra and loose shirts if you can get away with it. If you have big ole titties like me, I’d suggest a full coverage soft bra. Wear anything that covers well above your nipple. Cups that are diagonal/plunging can shift and pull on your piercing.
You want those babies safe and sound deep within the confines of your over-the-shoulder-boulder-holder.
Think soft, soft, soft! The inside of the bra should be lined with the same material throughout the whole cup. Except for lace. If your bra/bralette is pure lace you could risk getting the ball of the piercing stuck through one of the holes in the lace design, and that sounds like a disaster!
You’ll know when it’s time to go back to your sexy clothes, as each piercing is different.
Personally, I don’t remember this being a problem, but the internet says sleeping on your stomach will not be comfortable for a little while. Try to sleep on your side or your back.
You are set to go. You can hop on that as soon as you want, as long as your partner is aware of your new decoration.
NO nipple pinching, licking, sucking, or biting yet!
Honestly, you will be very aware of what you’re comfortable with right from the beginning stimulation-wise, so just listen to your body. There is no official information regarding oral stimulation of the nipples and the healing process, but I’d say stay away from it for a while — or if you can’t, at least clean it well after.
Actually, clean it well after sex, anyways. You know, because sweat and cum and stuff.
Working Out:
Again, I don’t remember this being a problem as long as I cleaned it as soon as I could after my workout. See bra type and material suggestions above for what you should wear.
Nipple piercings can increase your stimulation, especially if you already like nipple play. Yes, you heard right! But, it’s also been known to decrease stimulation.
I’m on the lucky side of this coin, but I only have one nipple done!
What does it feel like? I’d describe it as an extra tickle on top of regular nipple touchy-feelies.
All aboard!
Pain: 10/10
Healing: Tedious and long
Payoff: Most likely extra stimulation!
I find myself playing with my piercing all the time; in class and in stores — I can’t keep my hands off of it!
Vertical Clitoral Hood (Clit) Piercing
Either my piercer was bad (doubt it, Haley) or I’m super sensitive. I’d read online that this feels similar to getting your ears pierced, but I had some qualms anyway.
Knowing myself and my clit, I know that I’m a squirmer. So when she stuck a needle into me, I jumped, which may have added to the pain. I don’t know if it was the shock or the stimulation of the cold metal right by my clit, but it was easily my most painful piercing.
This is not the normal experience!
“Many women comment that their ears hurt more. It does sting or pinch for a split second, and may momentarily startle you. But by then it is over.” — the Piercing Bible
As I say with every description of piercing pain, the pain lasted for 5-6 seconds, including when she inserted the jewelry.
Healing Process:
There was very little healing pain. This baby just about heals itself!
There can be some pain if I squeeze my legs together wrong or bang it on something (it can happen!) but all in all, it’s been really painless.
This one is definitely weird to clean because it’s in a sensitive spot, but sometimes the sensation of the warm water is fun too!
Some suggest you only dry your piercing using disposable products due to the possibility of harboring bacteria on towels, but I’m not that picky and it turned out just fine.
Wearing Panties:
Stick to cotton panties, and stay away from thongs or tight styles. Stay away from thongs for at least week or so because of the pressure they can put on your clit.
Cotton is breathable and always the best material for post-piercing clothing.
The idea is that, especially during sex, the bottom ball of your piercing will come in contact with your clit, adding to your stimulation.
If you’re like me, you'll probably send out a mass Snapchat to the boy-toys in your phone because you can’t wait to try it out. My piercer said I should wait TWO FULL WEEKS to have sex — but of course, I didn’t.
Once you feel like you’re ready, or that you can’t wait any longer, make sure you use a barrier method to protect your clit (male condoms or dental dam for oral) and that you clean it well after.
Also, make sure not to use a lube that your body isn’t used to.
It’s actually a little harder to stimulate my clit since I got this done. It’s not physically difficult — I just have to move around the jewelry. Lately, I’ve been flipping the bottom bar up (which gets the hood out of the way) and then I get almost unbearable direct clit stimulation.
As with sex, clean the piercing immediately after.
Everyday life:
I don’t want you to get your expectations up too high. I’m not walking around having orgasms every minute like Tamara Parks (shown here on Saturday Night Live) ...
But I do feel like I’m having more fun than other people doing the same activities.
In the expert’s words:
“The piercing goes through only a thin bit of tissue above the clitoris (NOT through it) but the jewelry itself touches the clitoris. This means that when there is any activity in the area, the clitoris will receive more direct stimulation. Most women like this a lot. In fact, I distributed a research study for the University of South Alabama regarding VCH piercings and female sexual satisfaction! The data (published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology) has shown that this piercing DOES result in increases in sexual desire!”
But ... there is always the possibility something could go wrong.
For me, it’s been awesome!
- Pain: 7/10
- Healing: Easy
- Payoff: HIGH!
There is a myth that a piercing desensitizes your clit. After doing my research on the internet and at my well-loved parlor, I’ve discovered it is just that: a myth. The general opinion is that as your body gets used to the piercing, you don’t feel it as much during little activities as you used to.
Basically, you just get used to it. And it in no way desensitizes your clit itself.
Always make sure you go to a reputable piercer.
Happy decorating!
Thanks to my piercers at Tribal Rites Boulder and Fort Collins and to the people at for providing information for this column.
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