To The Boy Who Found My Missing Son And Brought Him Home Safely

This is what you didn't know...

Parenting thank you letter Kayla Cavanagh

To the boy that helped my son get home safely — THANK YOU. From the bottom of my heart. 

You are truly an amazing person to have seen my son — out of all the other kids you probably saw along your way — crossing that bridge alone over that major highway. You went up to him, took his hand and helped him cut across the field to bring him straight to my door.

You may not have known that my son was having trouble breathing and covered in hives when you got down off your bike, took off your green skater helmet and walked side by side with a kid half your height.


You may not have known that my son left school without telling anyone today. No one at the school stopped him, and his dad was waiting in the car rider lane with his sister. But my son wasn't there

You may not have known that he was by himself — over a mile away from school  until you arrived.

You may not have known that my son automatically thought you were his best friend just because you were there. I don't think he's even ever met you before.

You may not have known that my son has never been away from me or his dad in this capacity until this very moment.

You may not have known that as you were walking him across the field I was getting a phone call saying my son was missing. 


You may not know it, but you might have saved a little boy's life today. And you certainly saved mine. 

Not only did you bring my little boy home, safe and sound, but you gave me hope that this world is getting another "good one".

You — boy who will grow up and go through your own trials and tribulations, want to be cool or popular (or not), or even lose someone yourself — YOU did the right thing. The COOL thing. The WISE thing.

You are GOOD.


Thank you for being wiser than your years. For making the right decision. You are a wonderful angel of a boy who will turn into a great, great man. 

With love, that little boy's mom.

Kayla Cavanagh is an editor and writer living in Central Florida. When she's not feverishly obsessing over spreadsheets and grammar, she enjoys drinking margaritas by the pool, watching movies with her husband, Matt, or dancing with her kids in the living room.