You Can Now Rub Marijuana On Your Vagina To Make Sex WAY Better
Dazed and confused, indeed!

Stuffing marijuana up your vagina is totally ill-advised and, depending on the state where you live, probably very illegal.
But, spraying a coconut and cannabis oil (that has been lab-tested) lube onto your vagina to get the best orgasms of your life?
Now that's a plan I can get behind.
Foria has released a new line of sexual lubricants, the kicker being they get your vagina exceptionally stoned.
There is nothing about this product I do not love, and I say that not having yet even used it. But why weed, exactly? What does it do?
More like what DOESN'T it do, amiright?
Unlike most other lubricants, Foria suggests your spritz your vagina about 4 times with the bottle of marijuana lubricant roughly 45 minutes before you are ready to have sex. What you shouldn't do is drink it all up, which is a thing people are doing with this magical vagina lube.
What exactly can you expect? Well, Foria says, " The lube it works with your body to facilitate unique wellness experiences. For some women, it may awaken arousal and heighten sensation making orgasms more intense, fuller or easier to access. For others, it can help promote natural lubrication, reduce pain and tension and create the relaxation necessary for sensual experience or restorative rest. Foria Pleasure works with you, wherever you might find yourself on the pleasure spectrum."
So basically what I'm hearing here is that this magical marijuana lube could give me the best orgasms of my life?
This high isn't just for the woman, either. Some sources have reported that if a man performs oral sex on a woman who is using Foria he can receive some benefits similar to eating a pot brownie. But frankly, if Foria makes a woman more relaxed, uninhibited and highly orgasmic, what more could a dude possibly want?
But Foria isn’t stopping there, they’ve got a second product called Foria Relief that uses cannabis (minus the psychotropic effects) to relieve the pain of menstrual cramps. Foria Relief comes in the form of vaginal suppositories and is thought to be a great option for reducing the pain that comes with cramps.
It's fascinating and exciting to me (on every level) that more and more products are being designed exclusively for a woman's pleasure or relief. It's like we're finally waking up from the dark ages and acknowledging that women are sexual beings with desires that are no more or less valid than a man's desires. That said, it’s frustrating that the involvement of pot makes obtaining either one of these products difficult if not impossible, at least for now.