How To Have A Marriage That LASTS In A Culture Of Disposable Love

There's a secret to making love last. And here it is ...

How To Have A Marriage That LASTS WeHeartIt

Can a marriage really last 'forever' these days? Because, let’s be real: We live much longer than we did 50 years ago, let alone centuries ago. And, we no longer marry and have large families to help manage the farm. Now, we marry based on the desire for romantic love and committed companionship. The fact that many of us can expect to live to 90 years old, or even over 100, totally changes the landscape of what's required to maintain a marriage or partnership over a really long haul!


So, how do two people stay together for a whole lifetime? We all continually change and grow (hopefully) into different versions of ourselves and the idea of staying with one person through all of those stages of metamorphoses frankly seems impossible! Doesn't it? Whether you’ve been together for decades already, or you’re still in the honeymoon phase of your relationship, there’s a pretty solid chance that you’ve wondered at times how long this ‘good thing’ is going to last. Do the two of you have what it takes to make it work 'until death do you part?' What are the chances that you’ll successfully weather the inevitable storms that occur in any long-term relationship?


With divorce rates hovering steady at around 50 percent, and society seemingly focused on jumping from one person to another as soon as things get tough, sustaining love long-term can certainly feel daunting. And yet, most of us still hold firm to the romantic notion of growing old with someone. So, we gathered a panel of YourTango Experts to find out if it's possible (and, if so, what it takes) to make living 'together forever' a happy reality in modern marriages.  

Watch the discussion in the video above to hear the fantastic insights and advice the panel shared. YourTango Experts Senior VP Melanie Gorman leads the conversation, with powerful perspectives offered by author and anthropologist Dr. Helen Fisher, Marriage and Couples Counselor Rhoberta Shaler, psychotherapist Ross Rosenberg and Marriage and Couples Counselor Marcie Telander. Truly fascinating!

If you are intrigued by the ideas shared in this video and would like more information on this topic or on our Experts, or perhaps you’d like to even contact them, then pop over to Helen, Rhoberta, Ross or Marcie’s websites for help on making your marriage last a lifetime!

Helen Fisher Ph.D., is a biological anthropologist and Senior Research Fellow at The Kinsey Institute and Chief Scientific Advisor to the dating site Match. She is the author of the book The Anatomy of Love: A Natural History of Mating, Marriage, and Why We Stray, among other titles. Dorothy Camp has been a massage therapist, a computer programmer to Application Design, Project Management, and eventually ended up as a Database Analyst.  , blended family issues, anxiety, trauma, and women's issues. Rhoberta Shaler, The Relationship Help Doctor, provided urgent and ongoing care for relationships in crisis for more than 30 years. She was also the host of the Save Your Sanity Podcast. Marcie Telander is a Licensed Professional Counselor and a life/love/relationship communication coach. She is the president of East River Counseling, Inc., an author, and TedXTalk presenter. Ross Rosenberg, M.Ed., LCPC, CADC, is a psychotherapist, Self-Love Recovery Institute CEO, and author of The Human Magnet Syndrome. Melanie Gorman is the former Senior VP of YourTango Experts.