You Should Never Stop Chasing Her (Even When She's Already Yours)

Make her feel like she's the only person you want!

CHASE Her! Even When She's Already Yours WeHeartIt

The feelings you get when you first start seeing someone are like nothing else you'll ever experience. 

Spring is in every step, romance is around every corner and the future is open to a zillion wonderful possibilities. You know why? Because you've got a cute guy chasing you, and you haven't totally let him on to the fact that you like him yet. It's a beautiful — yet very short-lived — time. 


Then, you start dating. 


It's not to say that things get worse, in fact they get better. You develop a deeper connection with each other that can last a lot longer than fleeting romance.

We love being your late night snack buddy, the person secretly text during meetings and your best friend.


But don't be fooled, we still want romance too. ​



There comes a point in almost every relationship where people kind of stop trying (girls included). And while creating a romantic relationship is most definitely a job for two, women may not feel particularly motivated to be romantic if they don't feel wanted. 

And that buddy, is up to you.

It's your job to makes us feel like we're the only person you want to be with.



Romance doesn't have to be difficult. You don't need to rent out the Disney castle to make your girlfriend feel loved.

Just pay attention, be thoughtful and look for little ways to be romantic. 

Trust me, she'll pay you back.