9 Things To Put On Your Sex Bucket List — And 3 You Can Skip

Whipped cream is for ice cream, not your nipples.

Sex Bucket List: Every Sexy Thing You Must Do Before You Die NDAB Creativity / Shutterstock

I came across a sex bucket list the other day and I must admit, I was intrigued.

Mostly because I'm no novice when it comes to trying new stuff in bed. I have a sordid pre-husband history; plus, when you've been married to the same guy for 13 years, you have to keep things interesting.

Turns out, I've tried nearly everything on the list.

So to save you time, I've narrowed your sex bucket list down to what's worth it and what's not.

1. Using a vibrator

Um, there are still people who don't own one?


Women, get on the vibratory train! If you're not comfortable taking care of business alone, go ahead and involve your partner.

I assure you that no straight man will ever say no to that kind of solo sex show.

2. Being tied up/tying someone up

Don't go pansy when it comes to the ol' tie up.

Tie like you MEAN IT. Don't simply decorate your partner's wrists with a tie wrapped around several times; get in there with some serious hog-tying skills

. Use soft fabrics and materials, of course, unless rope burn is your thing. A blindfold in this situation helps calm nerves. Trust me.


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3. Having sex in a car

Meh. I'm not against it, just make sure you have something to tidy up with afterwards, if you know what I mean. Also, car sex can get a bit crowded if not positioned properly. Recline that seat.

4. Joining the Mile-High Club

Unless you're on a private jet with something comfortable to work with, don't even bother.

I haven't ever met an airline restroom that left me feeling even the slightest bit sexy, not to mention it's hard enough to maneuver my body alone in one.

This is one fantasy I've never understood (at least on a commercial airline). I'll start my own club: People-Who-Respect-Not-Being-Jammed-Against-A-Door-When-Having-Sex Club.


5. Reading erotica

50 Shades of Grey is crap.

 Read the Beautiful series by Christina Lauren and get back to me. 

6. Playing strip Monopoly

Strip Monopoly is for people who don't value their time, and have all night and some of the next morning to get naked.

My suggestion: strip rock, paper, scissors. Gets the job done in a quarter of the time.


7. Having sex in the shower or standing up against the wall

This can be dangerous if slippery, so keep your wits about you.

Also note that there are some relationships where height and weight are a factor in regards to being able to accomplish the more "advanced" positions. (Which is to say, movies are LIARS.)

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8. Giving yourself multiple orgasms

Look, I've never been a multiple kind of gal; I'm all about quality over quantity. Plus, after learning there are women who are completely and physically unable to orgasm, I'll take what I can get. (However, if you're able to pop off five or six a session, more power to you.)


9. Having sex on the beach

This leads to sand in your cracks and folds. I don't care how careful you are.

10. Using whipped cream

Use real dairy whipped cream and you will end up smelling like rank cow farts come morning.

Besides, it's really melty. May I suggest Pixy Stix as a delicious and non-melting alternative? Still sticky, but not stinky.

11. Buying La Perla lingerie for sex

If I'm spending $200 on a pair of britches, you're not taking them off.

What you're going to do is stare at me until your eyeballs fall out of your head, because let me restate: $200 for UNDERPANTS.

12. Buying Frederick's Of Hollywood lingerie for sex

Hey, is this a dig saying Frederick's is the sexy little sister to La Perla?


Because I think we can all agree that if we put both lingerie options side-by-side, most people would opt for the $14 crotchless panty sex over the $200 please-don't-tear-the-fabric sex. 

13. Having sex in the rain

Like, actually outside IN the rain? How do you know how long the rain is going to last?

Where do you go to do it in the rain that you're not going to be caught? If we're talking inside as the rain falls outside, thumbs up — that's romantic.


But literally, in the rain? It's basically shower sex with dirtier water and a felony.

14. Having sex in the ocean

Hard pass. Sharks, peeping toms, sharp seashells, or potential salt water straight to the face. And need I remind you again about sand in your foldy places? Maybe make out a little, but keep the seawater out of my sea biscuit.

15. Using feather ticklers


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Casey Mullins is a professional photographer and writer based in Salt Lake City, Utah. Follow her on Instagram for more.

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