Today's Sigh Of Relief: The Alleged Walmart Toe Sucker Was Caught

You won't believe what he was offering his victims for sucking on their toes!

man examining leg

After the news of the Walmart Toe Sucker spread, you've probably tied your shoes on a little tighter and been more aware of your surroundings when shopping for things at low prices in Lincolnton N.C.. But now it's time to for a sigh of relief because the alleged attacker has been caught!

The mystery might have come to rest since the alleged Walmart Toe Sucker was arrested Thursday at his home in Concord. The suspect is reportedly Michael Anthony Brown who allegedly convinced a woman in Walmart that he is a podiatry student and proceeded to suck her toes. Brown is a registered sex offender and has a set bond of $50,000 on his assault on a female charge.


Detectives looked further into the case and you would be surprised by how Michael Brown allegedly got women to feel comfortable enough to take their shoes off around him. Even more surprising is what he proceeded to offer his victims afterwards.

Find out what he allegedly offered his victims here: Michael Anthony Brown Arrested In Walmart Toe-Sucking Case

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