Science Says Your Man Is Walking Slower 'Cause He's In Love'

What his walk says about his feelings for you.

Science Says Your Man Is Walking Slower 'Cause He's In LOVE Getty Images 

Have you ever noticed how you and your man walk when you're together?

While you may not notice your walking behavior while out with the girls, if you're constantly scurrying behind your love, you probably have noticed that for sure. And thanks to this study, you can tell your fast-walking partner that his walking speed has a direct correlation with his affection for you.

According to the study, men slow down when they're in love.


Even if they're not holding hands, they take their usual speed down the necessary notches so it matches their romantic partners—"a phenomenon not seen when guys walk with female friends."

Slowing down and walking together is the best way to hold a conversation, but, like most things, it goes hand in hand with evolution.

Men are inherently trained to care for their partners, and by slowing down for their special lady, they're conserving energy "so that the woman can save her effort for reproduction." It's all about making the babies, you guys.

But there are other reasons too.

According to dating coach and YourTango expert, David Wygant:


"It's all about the man protecting his love from the harsh moments that may come up. He goes into this-is-my-babe mode and wants the world to know that so he walks with her as proud as he can be. It's also a pride thing he wants other males to know that this amazing woman is his and she is off limits to anyone else. Primal how we are really wired."

Although the study didn't look into how these findings may vary between new love and long-standing love, YourTango expert, Marla Martenson, author of Hearts on the Line, has this anecdote to share:

"My husband always walks ahead of me, sometimes by half a block ... we have been together for 11 years, and he won't change. I either have to run to keep up, but I usually just walk behind him."

Maybe it's because, in the early stages of love, he's trying to impress his lady?


Then, over time, he goes back to his usual walking speed.

Whatever the reason, the fact remains that men alter their speed when it comes to the women they love. It might not be like that forever, but in the early stages, science proves that dudes are willing to slow down to be by your side—no matter how long their legs are.