11 Brave Gals Tell Us How They REALLY Feel About Pixie Haircuts
Thanks to Lena Dunham's new 'do, the pixie cut is BACK IN.

Recently on the Late Night Show With Seth Meyers, Girls' creator Lena Dunham premiered her brand new haircut: a super short (but super-cute!) sexy pixie cut. Which got us thinking about what men and women think about this drastic hairdo.
We heard what these sexy men had to say about the trend-setting cut, but now it's time to take the question to the women: Is the 'do a must … or a major don't?
1. "I always had short hair and every time summer rolled around I wanted to cut it off. I would see actresses and musicians that I followed with a pixie and I really loved how it looked. It was feminine, easy to manage, and super sexy. Finally, when I was in college I just did it — no regrets."
2. "I had curly hair that was usually more frizzy than anything else growing up, and I feel like I look more put together (and prettier) now that my hair is short."
3. "People notice me more now. When I meet someone new, I know that it's harder to forget my face because I don't look like every other girl — and I had never gotten so many compliments on my how pretty my face is before I got rid of my hair."
4. "I also like that I don't need to 'do' my hair in the morning now because it looks nice once I comb it after a shower. I even find that I dress up more when my hair is at it's shortest. I wear more skirts and scarves and always earrings."
5. "I save so much money on shampoo and other hair products now, it's great!"
6. "It doesn't conform to traditional views of femininity. If a guy is hung up on long hair and won't date me because of my short hair, I don't think I'd want to date him anyway. If a guy assumes I'm a lesbian because of my hair and won't get to know me because of that, it's his loss because I don't want to date someone who stereotypes like that."
7. "I've had plenty of guys tell me that my hair looks terrible — but I don’t need hair to feel feminine. I have plenty of other assets that make me a woman but my hair is something I can change — and it's something I love. It's usually other girls that have something positive to say about the way I cut my hair. They love it — and they give me credit for having the balls to do it. It makes me laugh at how backwards men really are about the whole thing!"
8. "A pixie is the most feminine cut, in my opinion. If you dare to cut all your hair off, it's because you have a strong face that can carry that kind of look. I wish I could do it."
9. "When guys tell me that they 'love' my long hair, I think 'Of course you do. It's long … and it's what you're told that you should like.' But when I really think about women with hairstyles I love — it's people who get pixies, like Miley and Twiggy and Halle and Ginnifer Goodwin. They look so sexy!"
10. "I could never do it, but I love hearing about why women cut their hair off. Sometimes it's for a big life change and other times it just because they're bored. I love hearing why they did it and how liberating it feels."
11. "You know how guys find the hottest girl at the bar and head straight for them? I’m always looking around for the most interesting looking people — and I love that it’s usually women that I find! Why wouldn't a guy want to talk to a girl with an awesome hairstyle like that? They're idiots if they don't."
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