Christian Grey Casting News: Ian Somerhalder Not Being Considered
Not even a million tweets could make E.L. James change her mind.

OK, I can admit it. When I first started casting Fifty Shades of Grey in my head, Ian Somerhalder was not even in my top 5. I even had a case against why he should not play Christian Grey, the S&M man of my dreams. But as my Fifty Shades movie obsession grew, so did Ian's rank on my "Who will play Christian Grey?" list.
Maybe I finally fell for the social media hype he created to push himself to the front of the casting line. Or maybe it was the smoldering good looks and dark personality that pre-teens lust over when watching The Vampire Diaries.
Either way, that's over now. He's officially out of the running—straight from E.L. James' mouth. A source tells UsWeekly that the trilogy's author was overheard telling folks at a Comic Con party on July 20 that the part would not go to Ian.
My heart is kind of going out to him.
Back in April, during a radio interview with Ryan Seacrest on KISS-FM, Ian said he would absolutely be up for the role of Christian Grey. "It could be very, very amazing. I have the book and I just started reading it. That would be a pretty incredible thing, and hopefully that could pan out … Beyond the shadow of a doubt, I think that would be a phenomenal opportunity!"
He was so hopeful then. So, so hopeful.
But Ian, feel free to contact us should you need a shoulder to cry on ... or handcuffs to fill.
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