Single In France: "We Don't Date"
French women give Liz Tuccillo some <em>laissez-faire</em> advice about dating and sex.

The word dating doesn't exist in Paris; they call it meeting because "date" is a code for flowers, dinner, goodnight kiss, etc. It's not spontaneous.
Want to know what happens next? Watch all the France webisodes from Liz Tuccillo's "How To Be Single" series!
VIDEO: Single In France: We Know When "He's Not Into Us"
VIDEO: Single In France: Looking For Love? Be Yourself!
VIDEO: Single In France: "Date" Doesn't Translate
VIDEO: Single In France: Dating Rules Don't Apply Here
VIDEO: Single In France: The Man's Take
VIDEO: Single In France: How To Buy Lingerie
VIDEO: Single In France: Visiting A Sex Club For Swingers
Don't forget to check out Liz's adventures in China, Brazil, Denmark, Austrailia, India, Iceland and Italy.