5 Ways Your Body Warns You When You're Stuck In A Low Vibration Pattern
Get back to who you really are in no time at all.

When things aren’t going your way and you feel frustrated, hurt, or angry, it’s easy to sink into a downward spiral emotionally. This is how you can end up with a low vibrational pattern before you even realize what is happening.
This might surprise you but there are definite signs you’re headed in the wrong direction. Your body will provide warning signals and if you pay attention, you can turn things around before you sink even lower.
Here are 5 ways your body warns you when you're stuck in a low vibration pattern:
1. You get sudden headaches when you usually don't have them.
If you rarely get headaches, then suddenly get one a few days in a row, it could be a warning. Maybe it's something physical, or it could be a sign that your energy is sinking into a low-vibration pattern.
When you're operating at a low vibratory level, everything feels harder than it needs to be. Things seem to frequently go wrong and you make comments like, “That’s just my luck.” If your head feels like it’s going to explode, don’t ignore that.
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A 2010 study demonstrated how a headache can be your body’s way of letting you know you need a break. Stress creates numerous bodily symptoms, so you want to heed the warning a headache provides.
Here's how to reduce low-vibe headaches
- Drink more water
- Sit down and put your feet up
- Take a nap
- Do some deep breathing
- Consider what you can do to slow down
- Ask for help or if possible, let something go
2. You experience stomach aches due to digestion.
Another physical symptom of stress and low vibration is poor digestion, as explained in the Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology. You may experience discomfort or symptoms that can be problematic like bloating or gas.
Sometimes stomach distress has a symbolic meaning. For example, your gut could be telling you you just can’t stomach the situation you’re in any longer.
Something must change to improve your digestion. Until you make a change that will alleviate the problem, your gut will churn, feel bloated, and uncomfortable.
Here's how to eliminate stomachaches
- Be more selective about the foods you eat
- Choose lighter, healthier options
- Avoid greasy meals and too much dairy
- Try digestive enzymes
- Drink more water and skip beverages with bubbles
- Get out in nature
3. You often feel anxious or nervous.
If you often feel anxious something is likely a little off in your life that's affecting your emotional state. Much of anxiety is rooted in fretting about the past or fear about the future and being unsure of what steps to take next.
Sometimes anxiety can take over your life, making you want to hide from the world. That’s a sign for sure! When you prefer to hibernate or withdraw, that’s different than needing space or alone time, as seen in 2020 research.
Pay attention if this warning comes up more often than usual. You may be avoiding something that needs to be handled, so you can get relief. While finding a solution might seem impossible, there is always something you can do. Review options you have already disregarded, as there may be a way out with one of them.
Here's how to reduce anxiety
- Limit caffeine intake
- Minimize sugary foods
- Do deep breathing exercises
- Journal about your concerns
- Brainstorm options and steps you can take
- Ask for advice from someone you trust
- Talk to a professional
4. You are exhausted most of the time.
If you’ve reached the point where you're exhausted most of the time, you need more than sleep to resolve this. Your energy and vibration have dipped too low for you to function well.
This can happen when you give until you can’t give anymore. You are completely wiped out and drained. There’s nothing left to offer and you have used up your entire energy reserve. If this sounds familiar, you have sunk into a low vibrational level.
It’s time to heal and replenish your life force. You may have a boundary issue where you need to say, “No” to people. While you don’t want to disappoint anyone, your well-being needs to become a priority.
Carve time out to rest and rebuild your energy, so you can continue to be productive at work and present in your personal life. If you don't, your work and relationships will suffer from your lack of energy and authenticity.
Here's how to regain your energy
- Learn how to establish boundaries
- Practice saying “No” in low-risk situations, so it gets easier
- Block time on your calendar to rest and take care of your needs
- Practice self-care like meditation, journaling, or being in nature
- Indulge in a massage, facial, or mani-pedi
- Take a long hot bath to relax your mind and body
- Give in and take a nap
5. You are having emotional outbursts.
Lately, you can’t seem to hold it together and end up blurting angry responses. If that’s not normal for you, it’s a sign you've sunk into a lower vibration.
Anyone can have a moment. But if this is becoming your new way of operating in the world, that’s a warning you need to change something in your life. What is causing you to feel like you are at your wit’s end?
Snapping at people lets you know you have stepped over the edge and it’s time to take stock of what is going on. Spend time looking within. Understand what has pushed your buttons and created the final straw that you can no longer be civil.
Lashing out is inappropriate and can take a huge toll on your relationships, whether they are business, family, or friends. When you are not treating the people in your life well and start to have regrets, the Universe is letting you know something needs to change.
Here's how to minimize outbursts
- Make yourself count to 10 before you say anything
- Walk down the hall or around the block to calm down
- Be kind to yourself because you are likely stretched too thin
- Find ways to delegate if you’re overwhelmed
- Ask for help to get things done
- Call in your angels or guides for support
You can turn around any of these situations and change the way you handle stress.
As you can see, there are plenty of ways to handle any of these low vibrational symptoms.
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Raising your frequency is a process of coming back into balance and centering. Replenish your energy, be good to yourself, and most importantly, be sure to make self-care a priority. You are no good to anyone if you’re always out of sorts and frazzled.
Remember you have options, so you feel more empowered to cope with challenges that crop up in life. Eat well, exercise, get some rest, and set aside time to enjoy yourself. Stay conscious in the moment and ask yourself if there’s a higher vibe way to respond to any situation that sets you off.
Keep this up and you’ll be back to who you really are in no time at all.
Ronnie Ann Ryan is an Intuitive Coach and Past Life Reader. Get her Free audio course – How to Ask the Universe for a Sign to get the answers you need from a higher source within 24 hours.