Wife Shows What It's Like To Send Her Husband To Do The Grocery Shopping On His Own
He could not seem to differentiate feta and goat cheese.

Women are far more likely to be the sole grocery shopper of a household than men. According to data from CapitalOne Shopping, in households where a partner and children are present, 80% of women perform most of the food shopping. The number is only slightly lower, 68%, in homes without kids.
One woman on TikTok shared a perfect example as to why that is. She sent her husband, Eric, to the grocery store with a detailed list, yet received countless texts with clarifying questions.
The wife showed what it's like to send her husband to do the grocery shopping on his own.
The woman shared a screenshot of the text exchange she had with her husband while he was shopping, starting with her list of desired ingredients — a bag of spinach, arugula, walnuts, dried cranberries, goat cheese, two large wheels of brie cheese, and crackers.
Right off the bat, Eric appeared to have trouble locating the arugula, asking how “critical” it was to his wife’s plans.
While he seemed to nail the dried cranberries, he again had trouble with the walnuts, asking his wife if she wanted walnut halves or walnut pieces. He ended up grabbing an unnecessarily large supply of walnuts, all while his wife could not help but notice from the pictures he sent that he was wearing slippers instead of shoes.
Eric passed the brie cheese test, sending his wife a photo of five options and allowing her to choose which one she wanted. Unfortunately, the search for goat cheese did not go as well and he grabbed feta instead. He wasn't exactly sure which crackers would pair well with the cheese but was able to decide on his own.
Overall, it wasn’t too bad for the husband’s first solo shopping trip. However, we can likely all agree that no woman would need to ask so many questions.
Many women online related to the wife's experience.
“This is why it’s easier to do it myself,” one TikTok user commented. “So relatable. Like thanks for not helping after all,” another woman wrote.
When it comes to food shopping, it doesn't seem to matter what a man's education level may be or just how supportive he is in other areas — men cannot quite seem to get everything on a grocery list without the help of their wives.
"This has never felt more real. I sent my husband out for one Ben and Jerry’s ice cream last night, and he came back with four non-dairy options," one commenter shared. "We love our dairy!"
"I once sent my husband to the grocery store for garlic and one red onion. He returned with a red cabbage," another woman recalled.
Men are just as capable of grocery shopping as women.
While grown men should be able to grocery shop without the help of their wives, there was once a time when such a task was not expected of them. They simply went to work, came home to eat what their wives had cooked, and went to bed without ever considering how the food got there. Some wives still find it easier to do all of the shopping themselves.
However, it is well past time for husbands to put on their big-boy pants and help keep their families running. They are just as capable as women at cooking, cleaning, and food shopping despite what some may claim.
Even if their inability to differentiate between cheddar and mozzarella cheese drives us to our breaking point, the more we allow them to grocery shop on their own, the better they will get...hopefully.
Megan Quinn is a writer at YourTango who covers entertainment and news, self, love, and relationships.