People With The Most Go-Getter Personality Type Share 10 Rare Traits
People with the go-getting ESTP personality type are the first ones you call for fun.

The Myers-Briggs types show you the fundamental core of your personality. With the 16 personality types, you can learn more about how you perceive and react to the world around you,
All personalities are based on four traits: how we perceive the inner world versus the outer world, how we process information, what we focus on when making decisions, and how we plan.
Each Myers-Briggs type is unique in its own way. And one of the most ambitious, go-getter types is the ESTP personality.
Here are the rare traits of people with the go-getter ESTP personality type:
1. They are workaholics
ESTPs are often called “unicorn employees” because they are smart, resourceful, versatile, and capable of communicating well with people. High-pressure environments don’t bother them in the least bit, and they often adore working.
2. They are daredevils
If you’re looking for a personality type that loves risk, this is one of the strongest ESTP characteristics! People often ask ESTPs if they are crazy when they hear some of the risks they take, but this personality loves risks, and might even put themselves into unnecessarily risky situations as a result.
3. They are non-conformists
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Anyone who tries to get an ESTP to follow rigid rules, strict schedules, or otherwise conventional rules will have a very bad time.
This is not the personality type to try to control. Boxing them in will often make them angry, bitter, defiant, or just make them flee. Nonconformity is the name of the game with this personality type.
4. They are impatient
Because they tend to live in the moment, ESTPs don’t like to be kept waiting. ESTPs prefer spending time in fast-paced environments, and become impatient when others work at a slower pace, or if they come into a situation from an emotional viewpoint.
5. They are social
If there’s one thing ESTP personality types excel at, it’s being sociable. These extroverts are the life of a party, but they are also perceptive enough to notice when they’re making someone uncomfortable.
A study from UCLA supported how ESTPs often use their perceptive nature to bond with people and are also very good mediators. Needless to say, they’re great friends to have.
6. They are active
A lot of ESTPs will go out and do physical things just so they can meet new people. They’re natural adventurers, which is why they often end up being so into sports, adventure, and action.
7. They are impulsive
ESTPs are not individuals with their “heads in the clouds.” They are analytical and logical when it comes to decision-making. They have a why, and a how, and often will make snap decisions based around that.
8. They are perceptive
Because ESTPs are perceptive around people, they pick up on emotional manipulation before anyone else. When they notice that someone is fishing for compliments, stirring up drama, or doing anything manipulative, ESTPs almost immediately cut that person out.
9. They are blunt
To a point, ESTPs are known for their bluntness, which can backfire when they come off as insensitive to the views and emotions of others. However, it's not always a bad thing, as it means people always know where they stand with an ESTP.
10. They are fun-loving
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Most people have friends that just give off certain vibes. There’s the friend who will be there when everything falls apart, the responsible “mom” of the group, and then there’s the friend people go to when they want to have a lot of fun.
ESTPs are the fun-loving people others call first when they are planning a party. Why? Because ESTPs are incredibly fun!
ESTP stands for Extroversion, Sensing, Thinking, Perceiving. ESTPs are also known as the “Entrepreneur” type of personality, as they constantly seek out new ideas, are quick decision-makers, take action quickly, and are adaptable to any circumstance.
People with an ESTP personality are action-oriented risk-takers who thrive in a fast-paced environment. Because ESTPs are “doers,” they most likely weren't keen on being forced to sit in a classroom at school due to the inaction required.
ESTPs prefer practical solutions and act and make decisions based on rational thinking and logic, as shown by research in The Open Psychology Journal. They also tend to be social butterflies who are funny, energetic, and persuasive.
However, ESTPs can be impulsive, impatient, and competitive, are bored easily, and come off as insensitive. Because they prefer logic over emotion, they find emotional situations uncomfortable and their blunt way of putting things isn't always received well.
ESTPs also fail to consider the long-term consequences of their actions, are unable to see the bigger picture because they live in the moment, and frequently experience fallouts in projects due to their lack of structure.
People with this personality type may struggle to find a partner simply because most people can’t keep up. Most ESTPs want to have a partner, but only if that partner can keep up; however, for the right person, ESTPs are a dream come true.
One of the ESTP's strongest personality traits is their communication style; they are persuasive, observant, charming, and engaging. They are great at speaking their minds openly, though this may be a bit too blunt to some potential mates.
Still, in a relationship with an ESTP, you will never have a moment of boredom, because ESTPs keep things adventurous and fun. As romantic partners, ESTPs need a mate who doesn't want all matters to be serious; rather, ESTPs prefer that the conversation stay light-hearted.
Unfortunately, ESTPs have trouble committing to a serious relationship because of their "live in the moment" attitude. They are not long-term thinkers or planners and are unpredictable at times.
That's why the ideal mate for an ESTP is someone with an ISTJ or ISFJ personality; both of these Myers-Briggs types are adventurous and fun and can keep the ESTP on track with the ability to plan and think long-term.
Ossiana Tepfenhart is a writer whose work has been featured in Yahoo, BRIDES, Your Daily Dish, Newtheory Magazine, and others.