11 Tiny Tasks That Alleviate Loneliness
Banish loneliness and begin to feel like yourself again.

At some point, most of us have experienced a sense of loneliness in one way or another. This is a natural part of life. But sometimes, that sense of being alone can feel overwhelming.
If you find yourself feeling this way often, you might want to consider making lifestyle changes. Boosting social contacts in your daily life, having favorite alone time activities, and getting out and about are a few methods that can help you deal with loneliness. But there are other tiny ways to help as well.
Here are 11 tiny tasks that alleviate loneliness
1. Call somebody
It's hard to feel truly lonely when you're talking with someone. Make a point of reaching out to others in some way at least once a day. Another person is as close as your phone.
Hearing a warm, friendly voice is encouraging when you feel lonely. Plus, finding out about a close friend or family member's everyday life is a wonderful diversion.
2. Invite someone you care about to coffee, lunch, or dinner
Making such a date provides something for you to look forward to. Plus, spending time with loved ones is the best medicine for fighting loneliness.
3. Join a club or group
Perhaps you're feeling lonely because you live a solitary lifestyle. If this is the case, try joining a group or club of people who engage in activities you already enjoy. Consider a book discussion group if you love to read, or a bird-watching club if you enjoy nature and birds.
Your goal is to have consistent contact with others, even if it's only once or twice a week.
4. Make a list of activities you like to do when you're home alone
Engaging in a favorite hobby or activity can bring you joy and help you deal with loneliness. Make a conscious decision to take part in at least two of those pursuits each day.
5. Find a home project
Refresh an area of your house by painting, rearranging furniture, or creating a small sanctuary space that brings you joy. This will lift your spirits.
6. Get out of the house
Take a walk. Go for a jog. Take a drive. Go window-shopping. When you do these activities, you'll most likely come into contact with other people, even if it's just to say, "Hi."
Photo: Alice Xue Photography via Shutterstock
7. Exercise regularly
The comforting ritual of taking a walk each morning or doing your aerobics video each afternoon after lunch can help to keep your spirits up.
8. Think positive
Thinking positively goes a long way toward coping with any challenges in life. Remind yourself that you'll get through this difficult experience and come out feeling better than ever. Reflect on other challenges you've successfully made it through.
9. Remind yourself that, like most things, this experience is temporary
Loneliness is something you can move through and resolve. Just remember that.
10. Volunteer to help others
A wonderful way to make new friends, learn new skills, and make a difference in another person's life is to volunteer. Your choices are numerous, from delivering flowers and newspapers to patients in hospitals to stuffing and mailing envelopes for a social service organization.
11. If your loneliness isn't resolved in a reasonable period, seek professional help
Call a coach or therapist to speak individually about anything that's troubling you. Try attending a therapeutic support group.
Moira Hutchison is a mindfulness coach, energy healer, and hypnotherapist at Wellness With Moira.