14 Tiny Behaviors That Make People Instantly Respect You More
Want to be respected more? Follow these simple behaviorial tips.
Are there things we can do that influence other people’s perceptions of us?
Years of stumbling through life, and being fascinated by human behavior answered this question for me.
Here are 14 simple behaviors that instantly make people instantly respect you more:
1. Talk less.
Speaking less demonstrates comfort in one’s skin if coupled with a relaxed demeanor and adds to your sense of mystery.
2. Be relaxed and move slowly.
Quick movements and fidgeting make you appear nervous.
3. Hold people’s eye contact.
Nothing says ‘I’m confident and I am interested in other people’ than holding someone’s gaze, especially for a little longer than might feel comfortable.
4. Talk boldly.
Occasionally say something that needs to be said that no one else is daring to say.
Speak your mind honestly.
5. Demonstrate emotional control.
Reactive people don’t leave space between a triggering stimulus and their emotional response.
Remain stoic.
6. Be undistracted.
How refreshing is it to see someone speaking to someone who is actively attentive?
It is becoming rare. Instant respect.
7. Be less available.
You don’t always need to be there or respond to that text instantly. The more scarce anything is the higher its perceived value.
8. Be weird.
If there was one way to have people fall in love with you, it’s to follow your weirdness.
Allow your quirky, fun side to come out.
9. Actually listen.
Give people the space for you to process what they say properly.
Allow a few extra seconds. This is rare and will set you apart.
10. Dress well.
The seemingly superficial can make a huge difference.
Dress well and you will feel better and create an entirely different impression versus looking scruffy.
11. Talk a fraction slower.
Talk slower and you will calm down, elevate your perceived status, and garner respect.
12. Stop trying to impress everyone.
Pleasing people does not lead to increased respect.
Instead, be valuable and serve people when it’s appropriate.
13. Take up more space.
People respect those who aren’t afraid to take up a little extra space.
14. Give without expectation.
Most people are running around giving things to people with expectations tied to their ‘charity.’
Be different.
Grow your tribe by giving value to one person at a time.
Alex Mathers is a writer and coach who helps you build a money-making personal brand with your knowledge and skills while staying mentally resilient.