Teenage Boy Complains About His Mom Sending Him 30 Instagram Reels A Day — ‘One Day You Will Wish She Was Still Sending Them’
"They're just so pointless!"

It's only natural for teenagers to get annoyed by their parents. One teenage boy has had it with his mother constantly sending him Instagram Reels and took to TikTok to vent about it. However, others online stressed that his mom likely sent them out of love.
The teenage boy complained about his mom sending him 30 Instagram reels a day.
Will, @mrwillywonkaaaa on TikTok, ranted about his mother sending him countless Instagram reels.
“I don’t know about you guys, but my mom sends me about 30 reels a day about stupid things,” he said. “My mom needs to understand that I try to look at them, but some of them are just so stupid. I don’t even know what to say anymore.”
His mom sends everything from SAT studying advice to motivational videos. Despite Will informing her that he does not open all of her reels, he still wakes up most mornings to a notification on his phone.
“As much as I love my mom, it really annoys me,” he admitted. “They’re just so pointless.”
Although Will finds his mother’s actions irritating, others insist that she is simply trying to connect with her son.
"Those reels she’s sending you are her way of saying she is thinking about you and loves you," one TikTok user wrote.
"She is just trying to connect with you," another commenter added.
Nowadays, it seems as if teenagers always have their faces buried in their phones, hardly ever looking up to greet their family members when they walk through the door. Their parents may feel as if they can only get through to their children by sending them messages and videos via social media. If it takes sending 30 reels in one day, then so be it!
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Viewers also reminded Will that as a child, his mother most presumably heard endless pointless questions from him. When he asked his mom, “Why is the sky blue?” or “Why does a dog go woof?” she likely smiled and answered every single one without (obvious) irritation.
The least Will could do for his mother is open her Instagram reels and like her messages, even if he doesn't actually watch them.
He may not realize it now, but there will come a day when his mother will no longer be around to send him Instagram reels.
"Enjoy every second," one commenter advised, "[because] the day she no longer is on this earth, you will wish she was sending you 100 reels a day."
While your parents may drive you crazy and embarrass you from time to time, they most likely have your best intentions at heart and are simply trying to be involved in your life.
So if your mom or dad are constantly sending you reels, memes, or GIFs that you don’t find all that funny, do them a favor and like them anyway. They probably laughed at your painfully unfunny knock-knock jokes when you were a kid, and it’s time for you to return the favor.
Megan Quinn is a staff writer with a bachelor's degree in English and a minor in Creative Writing. She covers news and lifestyle topics that focus on justice in the workplace, personal relationships, parenting debates, and the human experience.