Survey Finds That Your Political Party Affiliation May Affect Your Sleep Quality
Researchers in the study analyzed the relationship between political affiliation and sleep quality, and the results were quite surprising.

There are a variety of reasons why a person's sleeping patterns could be affected, whether stress, insomnia, lifestyle habits, or mental and physical health. However, politics might also play a role in a person's sleeping habits, especially when it comes to our political views and the party that we are associated with.
A survey revealed how your political party may impact how well you sleep at night.
In findings published in the journal Sleep Health, a study conducted in Arizona reveals that Republicans generally enjoy better sleep than Democrats and Independents.
It's well-known that sleep is an important factor in overall well-being. Therefore, it makes sense that the political climate of this country could affect a person's sleeping habits and quality of life.
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Given the heightened tensions across party lines, researchers sought to investigate whether political party affiliation might be linked to differences in sleep quality.
Participants were asked a series of questions, including how often they had trouble sleeping over the past 30 days. Responses ranged from "none of the time" to "all of the time."
They were also asked about their political party affiliation — Democrat, Republican, or Independent — and whether their personal lives had changed significantly as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Researchers used statistical models to analyze the relationship between political affiliation and sleep quality, controlling for other factors like age, gender, race, and health status.
The analysis found that Republicans reported better sleep quality than both Democrats and Independents. Specifically, Republicans had about a 30% lower chance of experiencing sleep difficulties compared to Democrats, even when accounting for factors like age, gender, and health.
The pandemic seemed to have a greater effect on both Democrats' and Independents' sleep patterns.
Those who identified as Democrats or Independents and who reported that their lives had changed significantly due to the pandemic were more likely to experience sleep difficulties.
Stressors associated with the pandemic, including health concerns, economic uncertainty, or societal disruptions, seemed to be felt more acutely by people on the left.
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Republications and those on the far-right, who were, for the most part, not that concerned with pandemic-related issues, like mask-wearing and vaccinations, may have experienced less pandemic-related stress, thereby maintaining better sleep quality.
Of course, this study highlights a more generalized idea and doesn't necessarily have to be the case for every single person who identifies with either the left or right when it comes to a political party association.
There are so many other factors that impact our quality of sleep, which is why it's important to make sure you're taking care of yourself and getting the right amount of rest every night. Otherwise, the damages can be quite gnarly when it comes to our physical and mental health.
Whether we want to believe it or not, politics and the events that happen in this country and around the world impact every aspect of our lives, from sleep to even our mental health.
It can be exhausting keeping up with the news. On one hand, it's important to always stay informed, but on the flip side of that, it's also important to know when you've had enough.
No matter what political party you associate with, we should all be checking in with ourselves and putting up boundaries with how much we engage in the news and politics because too much engagement can start to take its toll.
Nia Tipton is a Chicago-based entertainment, news, and lifestyle writer whose work delves into modern-day issues and experiences.