8 Signs You're A Deep Thinker, According To Psychology
Thinking deeply requires a lot more than just self-reflection.

Most people would like to think of themselves as deep thinkers, more observant or insightful than others give them credit for.
But being a deep thinker is far more than just simple observation or basic listening skills. Truthfully, it requires a lot more than that. Luckily, there are a few specific signs that indicate you may be one of them.
Here are 8 signs you're a deep thinker, according to psychology
1. You enjoy solitude
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If you're a deep thinker, you probably prefer to spend time alone. While many claim this is a bad thing, research shows that people seek to spend time alone because it helps them with self-growth and competency.
Adolescents and young adults use solitude for self-reflection and autonomy, meaning they seek solitude not just for self-reflection, but for freedom as well. So, if you're an introvert or are someone who needs alone time, your brain is likely seeking that solitude to help you process things easier.
2. You're curious
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There's nothing wrong with a little bit of curiosity. As a matter of fact, curiosity shows that you're more knowledgeable than you think.
Curiosity is the foundation of knowledge, giving you the motivation to seek out the information you don't know, as one study found. Being curious also helps with general knowledge, which then impacts your reasoning skills. Over time, that can create deeper thinking.
3. You're open-minded
Rido | Shutterstock
Open-minded people tend to be highly intelligent and, as such, are deep thinkers. They steer clear of society's expectations and might even have ideologies that go against them altogether. One study even says that highly intelligent people tend to be more open-minded.
Research has shown that people who are open-minded experience the world much differently, have better memory, and have overall higher life satisfaction. All of these traits and benefits fully describe a deep thinker.
4. You take your time before making decisions
fizkes | Shutterstock
Deep thinkers will take their time before making a decision, but it shouldn't be too surprising, as people who think this way are always looking for alternative solutions. They analyze things from different perspectives, and weigh both their pros and cons before sticking to a decision.
Because of that, deep thinkers are often regarded as highly intelligent. And, according to one study, highly intelligent people tend to take longer to solve more difficult problems.
5. You're highly observant
hugo_34 | Shutterstock
If you're a highly observant person, it may be because you're a deep thinker. People who think deeply observe everything around them, and because of this, their minds take longer to process information. But that's not a bad thing.
Intelligent people wait until their upstream brain process can complete the task, compared to those with lower IQs, who tend to jump to conclusions. If you're a deep thinker, you observe the world around you, gathering all the information before deciding something to be true.
6. You enjoy deep conversations
Brainslav Nenin | Shutterstock
If you enjoy having deep and stimulating conversations, and hate small talk of any kind, it's likely that you're a deep thinker. People who think this way want to keep their minds stimulated. They love to learn new things and enjoy gathering new information.
Remember, deep thinkers are open-minded. So, having these deep and intellectual conversations forces them to update their knowledge, changing their opinions as they see fit.
7. You appreciate intellectual challenges
Gordonkoff | Shutterstock
If you're a deep thinker, you need to be mentally stimulated. Studies have found that highly intelligent people tend to do risky things, like abusing substances or racing.
While it may seem like something someone with "low intelligence would do," as a deep and intelligent thinker, you get bored easily with the same routine, yearning for new challenges. Since your mind is always racing, not having much to think about can get frustrating, which is why unpredictable or challenging environments are the place you need to be.
8. You're always lost in thought
Drazen Zigic | Shutterstock
Deep thinkers tend to find themselves daydreaming quite a lot. Perhaps you've often found yourself somewhere else entirely, and found it difficult to immerse yourself in reality. But according to research, daydreamers scored high on both intelligence and creativity tests.
If you're a deep thinker and find yourself lost in thought, it's likely because your intelligence and creative mind are working side by side, stimulating your mind in the process.
Marielisa Reyes is a writer with a bachelor's in psychology who covers self-help, relationships, career, family, and astrology topics.