8 Signs You Have Higher Emotional Intelligence Than The Average Person, According To Psychology
Emotional intelligence is the ability to work with your emotions instead of fighting them or running away.

We don’t struggle with emotions because something’s wrong with us; we struggle with them because we don’t understand how they work. Think about it: If you were never taught how numbers work, would you be surprised that you struggled to do math? Of course not. And yet, even though very few of us are ever taught how emotions work, we assume something’s wrong or defective in us when we struggle with emotional intelligence!
On the other hand, when people can healthily work with their painful emotions it’s usually a sign that they understand how emotions work. Emotional intelligence is the ability to work with your emotions instead of fighting them or running away.
Here are the eight signs you have higher emotional intelligence than the average person, according to psychology:
1. You see emotions as messengers, not viruses
Mental Health America (MHA) / Pexels
How would you describe the following collection of emotions:
- Anger
- Sadness
- Fear
- Shame
- Jealousy
If you’re like most people, you might say “Oh, those are negative emotions.” But this is not a very accurate description. Because here’s the thing: Just because an emotion feels bad doesn’t mean it is bad. Emotions are not bad or negative in a moral sense because you can’t control them directly. No one gets put in prison for feeling angry because you can’t control your anger, only your actions.
Similarly, emotions are not bad or negative in a safe sense because they’re not dangerous. No matter how sad you get, your sadness is not going to hurt you. In other words, emotionally intelligent people don’t treat painful emotions as threats or signs of bad character.
Instead, they view their emotions — especially the painful ones — as messengers trying to communicate information. And no matter how much they dislike the message, they never shoot the messenger.
2. You listen to your emotions but don’t trust them
Gantas Vaičiulėnas / Pexels
Not all information is true — and that includes emotional information. Very often our emotions communicate something true or helpful to us:
- When you feel angry after someone steals your wallet, that’s your mind’s way of reminding you that an injustice has occurred (and perhaps motivating you to rectify the situation).
- When you feel guilty after lying to your boss, that’s in part a correct assessment of having done something wrong.
But here’s the thing: Just because an emotion is telling you something doesn’t mean it’s correct or helpful. Emotions can be incorrect and unhelpful just as often as they’re accurate and helpful:
- My emotions tell me to take it easy and watch Netflix instead of going for a run. Should I listen?
- My emotions tell me to punch that guy who cut in front of me at the supermarket. Should I listen?
It’s usually a good idea to listen to your emotions, but it’s unwise to simply trust them.
3. You talk about their emotions in plain language
Julia M Cameron / Pexels
If you listen carefully, most adults talk about difficult emotions in vague and overly abstract or metaphorical terms: ”I’m just a little stressed” or “I’m irritated right now.”
In other words, they intellectualize their emotions. And the reason? Because on a very fundamental level, they’re afraid of their painful emotions. And those emotions feel a little less bad when we distance ourselves from them with overly intellectual and abstract language. Saying “I’m stressed” makes us feel less vulnerable than saying “I’m afraid.”
The trouble is, that intellectualized emotions are a form of avoidance. And the more you avoid your painful emotions, the more afraid of them you become. This leads to a vicious cycle of compounding painful emotions: Feeling afraid of feeling angry; feeling ashamed of feeling sad. On the other hand, emotionally intelligent people describe how they feel in plain, ordinary language.
If you want to improve your emotional intelligence and start confronting your painful emotions instead of escaping them, try this: The next time someone asks you how you feel, describe it like a 6-year-old would: “I feel sad.” “I’m mad.” “I’m feeling really afraid.”
4. You can distinguish emotions from thoughts
Marcelo Chagas / Pexels
Often it can feel like painful emotions just hit you out of the blue:
- I just got so anxious
- She made that comment and I was instantly angry
- I feel so guilty and I don’t know why
But that’s not how emotions work. You can’t have an emotion without some kind of thought first. And even though the thoughts that generate our emotions can be subtle and fast, that doesn’t mean they’re not there.
Emotionally intelligent people are experts at understanding the mental habits and thought patterns that generate their emotional responses:
- They recognize that their anxiety is the result of their habit of worrying.
- They understand that ruminating on their mistakes is the cause of their shame.
Remember, emotions are different than the thoughts that generate them. One of the most important skills you can cultivate to become more emotionally intelligent is learning to identify the subtle mental habits that precede difficult emotions. Because while you can’t control how you feel directly, you can control how you choose to think — and then indirectly, change the way you feel.
5. You physically feel your emotions
Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels
A simple sign of emotional intelligence is whether someone is in touch with the physical feelings that go along with the emotions. One study found that different emotions can trigger physical responses in different parts of the body.
In other words, can they describe how their body feels when they’re angry, for example? Or what it feels like physically to be anxious. The willingness to feel your emotions is a hallmark of emotional intelligence.
People with low emotional intelligence tend to avoid difficult emotions, which means that they lose touch with how those emotions feel in their bodies. But when you understand that emotions are not bad or dangerous no matter how painful they feel, you tend to accept them and learn to live with them.
6. You validate emotions without judgment
Katii Bishop / Pexels
When you experience a painful feeling like grief or anxiety, it’s natural to want to escape that feeling or make it go away. But as we discussed in #1, just because an emotion feels bad doesn’t mean it is bad.
Here’s the thing: when you run away from or try to eliminate painful emotions, you’re teaching your brain that those emotions are dangerous. This means that the next time you experience them, you’re going to feel fear or shame on top of those already painful emotions.
On the other hand, people with high emotional intelligence validate their emotions. They identify and acknowledge their feelings. And then remind themselves that it’s okay to feel any kind of feeling — that it doesn’t make them bad or unsafe.
Your emotions are always valid even if they’re painful or unhelpful. It’s a lot easier to accept your painful emotions when you are in the habit of validating them first.
7. You understand that you can't 'control' emotions
Anastasia Shuraeva / Pexels
Speaking of accepting your emotions, one of the biggest confusions most people have around their emotions is the problem of control. People think they should be able to control their emotions — be less angry, feel less sad, not be so anxious, etc.
But that’s not how emotions work: There’s no sadness dial you can simply adjust down, just like there’s no happiness button you simply press to feel better.
So people end up trying in vain to control their feelings, but all the while, the thing they can control — their behavior — gets left on autopilot. And as a result, their behavior gets controlled by initial impulses and superficial desires.
If you spend all your energy trying to control your feelings, you’ll have little left over to control your behavior. On the other hand, emotionally intelligent people understand that the best way to start making better decisions and taking control of their behavior is to stop wasting time and energy trying to control how they feel.
You have to accept all your emotions, even the bad ones, without judgment. Psychology says it'll help with stress and lead to better health. Practice accepting your emotions so you take control of your behavior.
8. You're compassionate with other people’s emotions
Anna Shvets / Pexels
One of the most telling clues about a person’s emotional intelligence is how they handle other people’s emotions — especially other people’s difficult emotions. Because most people believe that painful emotions are bad or dangerous, they tend to either run away from them or try to eliminate them. Of course, they do this in themselves. But they also tend to do it in other people:
- They get uncomfortable when someone’s sad, so they say “Cheer up” and change the topic.
- Or they get nervous when someone’s anxious, so they start giving lots of advice, hoping the other person will stop feeling so anxious (which means they can stop feeling so uncomfortable!)
But here’s the thing: Trying to “fix” other people’s painful emotions is invalidating. Emotionally intelligent people are willing to accept other people’s bad moods and difficult emotions just as they do their own.
They acknowledge and validate other people’s feelings without trying to make them go away or distract from them. While counterintuitive, this approach of being accepting of other people’s difficult feelings tends to lead to much healthier and happier relationships in the long run.
Nick Wignall is a psychologist and writer sharing practical advice for emotional health and well-being. He is the founder of The Friendly Minds newsletter.