7 Questions Men Want To Ask Women — But Are Too Embarrassed To Bring Up
Women find men frustrating, but there are some things about women that men may never understand.

Men and women have been coexisting since the dawn of time, and yet there are still things they don't know about each other — because they're self-conscious about asking.
Fear not; we've answered all the blush-inducing questions he's dying to ask you.
Here are 7 questions men really want to ask women but are too embarrassed to bring up:
1. What do you consider romantic?
In virtually every romantic comedy, there's some dorky guy who's chasing the woman of his dreams, popping up unexpectedly at her apartment, following her around, making up excuses to come to her workplace, maybe singing some song outside her window at two o'clock in the morning, busting into her wedding at the last minute to proclaim his love.
Why is this romantic? Isn't that behavior usually grounds for a restraining order?
2. Is "courting" still important?
If so, then why? Is it a two-way street? Do women court men? Do people still say "courting?"
Courtship was a way for couples centuries ago to spend time together to figure out if they were a match, history tells us. That's not much different from modern dating now.
3. Which would you least prefer in a partner — a guy who made significantly less than you or a guy significantly shorter than you?
And, why is height so important to you?
4. Why do you always want to have the "Honey we need to talk" conversation when the game is on or when it's time to go to sleep?
Surely, there have to be better times.
5. Why do you always say you want a nice guy with a sense of humor, but only go out with the jerk with a bad temper?
Additionally, as much as women say they love a guy with a sense of humor, guys love it times two. A funny lady? Amazing.
And even better than a funny woman is a lady who can laugh — double amazing. Laugh at our stupid jokes? Triple amazing.
Research fro the University of Kansas even agrees with me. Men love funny women.
Pavel Danilyuk / Pexels
6. When you ask a guy, "What are you thinking about?" and he responds, "Nothing," why don't you believe him?
Seriously. We are capable of thinking about nothing. We try to think about nothing at least 5 times a day, but it always turns into some daydream about Halle Berry, peanut butter, and a bag of Cheetos. Okay, maybe that’s just me.
7. Why are you so incapable of being objective about a person’s physical appearance even if you find that person's personality objectionable?
Don't get me wrong, I know that attractiveness is very subjective, but all the make-up in the world won't make me or anyone else hot if they don't already have the raw goods.
Marcus Osborn is a freelance writer and former contributor to GalTime.