Personal Shopper Says He's Had To Deliver 'Obscene' Amounts Of Melatonin Gummies To Daycares That Have Ordered It
He issued a warning to parents who have young children in daycare.

A delivery driver has revealed a hair-raising detail about the most common order he brings to a slew of daycares in his area.
In a TikTok video, a content creator Moses' Dad shared an alarming reality that has left many parents stunned and worried for their children in daycares.
He claimed that he's had to deliver 'obscene' amounts of melatonin gummies for daycares that order it.
"One of the weirdest things that I've learned about being a personal shopper/delivery driver over the past few months is children's daycares order an obscene amount of melatonin gummies," he began in his video.
He explained that he was sharing this because parents needed to be aware of the kind of people who were watching over their kids when they were at daycare.
He insisted that any parents with kids in daycare should have their family doctors look into the type of medications that their children could be exposed to. "Any pediatrician/doctor can do a urine or saliva test for excess melatonin levels. You might wanna consider it because I'm kind of shocked and appalled," he added.
In the comments section, people were rightfully flabbergasted at this personal shopper's admission about what daycares might be doing to the children that they were supposed to look after and care for.
"My daughter’s daycare was forcing the children to take three-hour naps during the day so this doesn’t surprise me at all," one TikTok user wrote, while another user added, "I have worked at a daycare in the past and I had to sign paperwork and get permission for Tylenol and sunscreen. This is horrifying to me."
Photo: oksanashufrych / Canva Pro
A third user chimed in, "I was a daycare teacher, we never gave the kids anything like that. There was a ton of pressure that the kids stay asleep for the whole three-hour nap time, and when they didn't, there was no help."
"Thank you for bringing something to the light like this for parents who may have never thought about it or known!! You're awesome for this," a fourth user remarked.
There have been many daycare workers who have been arrested for being caught giving children melatonin.
In February 2023, an Indiana daycare worker named Tonya Rachelle Voris, 52, was charged with 11 felony counts of neglect of a dependent and six misdemeanor counts of reckless supervision by a childcare provider. According to investigators, she provided 17 children with the over-the-counter sleep aid from mid-December 2022 through the end of January 2023.
While Voris was permitted by the parents of two children to give them melatonin as a sleep aid for naps, she noticed how well it was working and ended up giving it to children whose parents did not consent.
"Voris dispensed the melatonin gummies to forcefully induce sleep in several children for her personal gain in not having to deal with fussy or problematic children who would not sleep during naptime which was characterized by several staff members as their break-time," according to court documents.
Similarly, in March 2018, according to CBS News, three daycare workers were charged with child endangerment after they allegedly admitted giving gummy bears laced with melatonin to a class of two-year-olds to get them to calm down for nap time. A manager of the daycare confessed to police that one of the employees was distributing gummy bears laced with melatonin to her class without the parents' permission.
Three teachers were taken into custody, and during questioning, they allegedly admitted to giving the children the laced gummy bears. Police said the women didn't think what they did was inappropriate, because melatonin is an over-the-counter sleep aid.
There should be no reason for daycare employees to think it's okay to give any over-the-counter medication to children without parental consent.
Childcare isn't a luxury. For most families, it's a necessity, and they pay a premium for it. At the bare minimum, parents should be able to leave their children without major safety concerns.
There needs to be trust and transparency between daycare employees and parents as they are being trusted with the well-being of their children and shouldn't have to feel uneasy about what is going on during the day when their kids aren't in their own care.
Nia Tipton is a Chicago-based entertainment, news, and lifestyle writer whose work delves into modern-day issues and experiences.