People Defend Delivery Driver Who Left Vile Voicemail Demanding Customer Cancel Their Order
Frustration or a lack of professionalism?

A viral TikTok post recently brought attention to a voicemail from a Postmates delivery driver, “Steve,” that has sparked controversy across social media.
In the voicemail, Steve demands that the customer cancel their order due to parking difficulties at a mall, expressing his frustration in a highly profane and unprofessional manner: “This is Steve, your Postmates carrier. You need to cancel your order; there’s no parking at the mall. What the hell you [expletive] thinking? You’re ordering something from a [expletive] mall. Cancel the son of a [expletive] I can’t park here.”
Many people defended a delivery driver who went on an expletive-filled voicemail rant demanding a customer cancel their inconvenient order.
The voicemail, which was posted by a woman named No-elle, quickly went viral, but not just for its rude tone and language. No-elle decided to turn off comments, likely in an attempt to avoid the storm of opinions that followed. However, it didn’t stop the incident from fueling debate online.
While the delivery driver’s words were harsh, some defended him, suggesting that his frustration was understandable given the challenges drivers face, especially when delivering to busy, high-traffic areas like shopping malls.
Many social media users were outraged by the driver's voicemail, expressing disbelief at the tone he used while interacting with a paying customer.
Critics pointed out that, regardless of the challenges drivers face, such behavior was uncalled for and undermined the professionalism expected from service workers.
Postmates customers were especially vocal, emphasizing that they rely on delivery services to meet certain expectations, and rude interactions such as this could make them reconsider using the platform again. Some argued that while drivers face difficult conditions — like limited parking — there are proper ways to communicate those challenges, and using vulgar language and issuing demands was not an acceptable way to resolve the situation.
The situation also raised questions about how delivery services, like Postmates, should handle customer complaints or driver misconduct. Many called for the company to intervene and address the unprofessional behavior, with some suggesting that drivers who exhibit such conduct should face penalties or be removed from the platform.
Many commenters argued that the incident was more about the pressures of the gig economy and the frustrations of working under tight, unrealistic expectations.
Parking at a crowded mall can be a significant obstacle for delivery drivers, especially when they are tasked with meeting strict delivery deadlines. Many delivery drivers are under pressure to make quick deliveries while dealing with low pay, traffic, and limited parking spaces.
Supporters of Steve pointed out that the voicemail may have been an outburst driven by exhaustion and stress, not an indication of his usual behavior. Gig workers, they argued, often lack the support and stability that comes with a traditional job, and it’s easy to understand why a driver might snap under pressure in a difficult situation.
Additionally, some defended Steve’s frustration with the customer’s order, suggesting that the customer may not have been aware of the challenges involved in delivering to a mall. The convenience of ordering from a busy location can sometimes result in unrealistic expectations about how smoothly the delivery process will go. Supporters emphasized that while Steve’s language was harsh, it wasn’t entirely out of character for someone dealing with multiple pressures and frustrations in a gig job that doesn’t offer much job security or emotional support.
The challenging job market has created an influx of stressed-out gig workers.
Sorapop Udomsri|Shutterstock
This incident brings to light the complex dynamics of the gig economy, where workers like delivery drivers face mounting pressures with limited resources and support. While Steve’s voicemail may have been extreme, it raises important questions about how delivery platforms and customers can better understand the challenges faced by gig workers.
A survey by the Economic Policy Institute found that 14% of gig workers like Postmates drivers earned less than the federal minimum wage, and a whopping 62% lost earnings because of technical difficulties on the job — like being unable to park and pick up an order.
On one hand, customers deserve to be treated respectfully and professionally, regardless of any delivery-related issues. On the other hand, delivery drivers often work in high-stress environments where they’re expected to meet quick deadlines, deal with difficult traffic, and find parking in congested areas. A broader conversation is needed about how both sides can communicate their needs and frustrations more effectively.
As the debate continues, the viral voicemail has become a reminder of the tensions between customer expectations and the realities of gig work — highlighting that in such a fast-paced, on-demand economy, empathy and understanding on both sides are more important than ever.
Erika Ryan is a writer working on her bachelor's degree in Journalism. She is based in Florida and covers relationships, psychology, self-help, and human interest topics.