What You See First In This Visual Personality Test Reveals Your Most Narcissistic Traits
You don't have to technically be a narcissist to act like one sometimes.

In today's climate, it seems as though everyone is busy trying to figure out who is truly a narcissist as opposed to someone who possesses some narcissistic personality traits. If only there were a simple personality test we could give everyone we meet to suss out their more narcissistic traits before we get too close to them, the world would feel like a safer place, right?
In general, narcissists have a distorted sense of self-image, with behaviors that fall into a pervasive pattern of grandiosity, constant need for admiration, and lack of empathy. And while narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a mental health condition that can only be diagnosed by a licensed and trained mental health professional, we all possess some narcissistic personality traits of our own.
No, this doesn't mean we're all somehow disordered. It simply means there are ways that each of us tends to focus more on ourselves than on our relationships with others and the outside world. And one way to identify your own most narcissistic personality traits is by taking a quick personality test!
What you see first in this personality quiz will reveal your most narcissistic traits.
All you need to do is make a mental note of the first image you see in the picture below.
Then, scroll down to see what your results reveal about your most narcissistic personality traits.
1. If you saw the woman
If you saw the woman when you first looked at this image, your most narcissistic personality trait is your focus on physical appearance.
You aren't completely vain, nor do you always judge others by the way they look, but it is something you do when you feel stressed out, cornered, or out of place.
You have a tendency to build yourself up by comparing your own personal appearance to those of the people around you.
While you know deep down that stuff on the surface doesn't really matter, you can't help but assess it both in yourself and in others when you feel insecure.
2. If you saw the river
If you saw the river when you first looked at this image, your most narcissistic personality trait is your focus on social status.
While you know that the quality of your relationships with other people matters more than anything, you can have a hard time shifting your focus from your own career pursuits to the people you love.
To you, people's social standing can mean a whole lot more than how they treat you or others.
This is something you want to be mindful of going forward. While there is nothing inherently wrong with admiring those who set goals and achieve them, there's more to life than fancy titles and nice paychecks.
3. If you saw the bridge
If you saw the bridge when you first looked at this image, your most narcissistic personality trait is your lack of empathy.
You are not a cold person, nor does this lack of empathy mean that you are some sort of villain who is incapable of feeling anything. You're capable of great depth of feeling, but being aware of someone else's feelings isn't always where you go first.
It's not your first (or second or probably third) instinct to check in with others about how they are feeling. You have a tendency to believe people when they tell you that they're okay, rather than to delve beneath the service to see what's really going on with them.
Try to be more aware of how the people around you are feeling. It will only serve to improve your interpersonal relationships.
4. If you saw the boats
If you saw the boats when you first looked at this image, your most narcissistic personality trait is your inflated sense of self-importance.
In order to achieve success and happiness in life, you need to be willing to let your ego go by the wayside and depend on the skills of others at times. That's why it's important to have a social network of peers to turn to in times of need.
You don't need to make life (which is already pretty tough) even more difficult by assuming that you alone have the skills to get any job on planet Earth accomplished.
You may be an awesome person, no one doubts this, but you aren't a superhero. Remember to turn to your friends when you need them. No one will ever think less of you for doing so.
Rebecca Jane Stokes is a freelance writer and former Senior Editor of Pop Culture at Newsweek. She has a passion for lifestyle, geek news, and psychology topics.