100-Year-Olds Share What Keeps Them Young — And What Doesn't: 'Let Go Of The Petty Grudges'
When life is enjoyed in the moment, it's just better, and people who live in the moment tend to live longer, happier lives.

Watching videos of centurions, you start to see a theme: they seem content. That might be shocking to younger people, especially anyone who fears old age. Maybe we fear missing out on opportunities in life and worry that we'll find ourselves too old to do things.
However, we have conducted many interviews with people 100 and older who love to share their lives and offer advice to the rest of us. Dr. Joseph Mercola, an osteopathic physician, interviewed three centurions and many others for this information. Quite a few of us (more now than ever) have relatives or know someone 100 or over. One lady I know who is 104 is full of a sassy attitude and enjoys talking to people!
100-year-olds share what keeps them young — and what doesn't:
1. "Happiness comes from what we do"
Nina Uhlikova / Pexels
At 100 years old, or older, people don't seem to sit around and smile about the things they accumulated in life. Rather, it's more about their life experiences.
Happy memories can go a long way toward happiness later on! Kelly Rudolph, a certified life coach, explained how happiness is something we have to create, and not base it on someone else. "You're expecting others to reciprocate what you've done for them, which means you're still relying on them to make you feel happy. And, by trying to take care of everyone else's happiness, you ultimately end up neglecting your own needs," she said.
One man over 100 years old said he did all he wanted to do. Now he wants to be helpful and keep going. "I have so many beautiful memories," said a woman over 100. "I got to do all the things I wanted to."
That tells us to jump in and live life — remember that it's about really living and making memories with people we love. 2004 research from The University of Colorado backs this up as well. We know people derive more long-term happiness from experiences such as vacations rather than possessions.
2. "Happiness comes from a positive attitude and optimism"
Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels
People over 100 seem to remember life through rose-tinted glasses, making it sound like an adventure even through hard times, like war.
"I've always been lucky," says one centurion despite living through two great wars! She also talked about how "everything makes me happy. I love talking to people... going shopping."
Common advice from people who are doing well at 100 is to "decide to be content." Others say, "Don't chase happiness. Just be satisfied." Deciding life is good changes our perception and makes life better, and apparently, it helps you live much longer!
3. "Happiness comes from living in the now"
Quang Anh Ha Nguyen / Pexels
Age is only a number. You live for the day and keep going. This is wisdom from someone with a very long past — but they enjoy the present.
The past is the past; we can't change it. But we can rob ourselves of our present happiness and good emotional health by hanging onto old regrets, grudges, and pain.
4. "Love and partnership are critical for long life"
KAYYY B / Pexels
Centurions often talk about their "good" marriage, all their happy memories, and all their good times together. It's another area where they might be applying rose-tinted glasses, but it's apparent that they got emotional support and felt like they had a life partner.
They also say that people today give up too easily these days — so there was hard work involved, but at the end of their life that part isn't really important anymore.
"Being happily married and happy, in general, is the remedy for all illness." We don't have studies on how marriage or long-term relationships affect lifespan, but you don't have to be a scientist to take note: centurions all speak about their decades-long marriages with a smile on their faces. Even people who have been widowed for a few decades say they have many, many warm memories about their married life, and that still makes them happy.
5. "Eat natural, real food to feel good and live longer"
Engin Akyurt / Pexels
Many people who are 100 say they feel strong and like they're 69 or 79. These are the people who stay active physically and mentally and have a lot to share with other people.
Many people over 100 talk about eating fresh food that they grew themselves. And older people will tell you over and over: eat in moderation.
In giving tips for healthy living, Dr. Jodi Walker, a women's wellness coach, urged you to "not neglect your diet." She said, "Processed foods can leave you feeling tired and lethargic, and some are even addictive."
6. "Learn to adapt for a better and longer life"
Mikhail Nilov / Pexels
"Life goes on regardless" is a common theme. People who live well into old age understand that there is hardship in life but they know life goes on and they must too.
If you live 7, 8, 9, 10, or more decades, you're going to see a lot of change. People who adapt and change with the times do better. It's part of having a positive attitude — they're excited about new opportunities instead of fearing change.
7. "Help others"
Kampus production / Pexels
Helping others is one way to build relationships and connections, and it makes you feel great. It's another common theme among people who live to be over 100.
Being kind and helping others gives you a sense of purpose too, and it fights depression and anxiety. Not only that, it's a way of staying active and productive after you retire.
It's a win-win for everyone involved, and being older and retired can mean having more time for volunteering.
8. "Always learn"
Tirachard Kumtanom / Pexels
Older people will advise getting a good education to help you go far in life, and statistics have shown that people with a Bachelor's degree do live about a decade longer than people who don't have one.
Older people will tell you to keep learning all through life, both in and out of school. Be curious — it makes life more interesting and fun. And it helps you stay engaged with life and the changing technology and times. That helps you adapt too.
9. "Practice mindfulness"
Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels
People over 100 tend to live in the moment as it comes, rather than worrying about plans, regrets, and getting caught up in pressure and worry. They cherish special times with family and friends, the colors and smell of a new flower in spring, or the feel of the grass on their feet.
When life is enjoyed in the moment, it's just better, and people who live in the moment tend to live longer, happier lives.
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