Man Says Husbands Who Force ‘Feminine Women’ To Work Don’t Actually Love Their Wives
He did not address the possibility of women wanting to work, or the economy making it necessary.

These days, there is a lot of discourse surrounding whether or not a woman should work outside of the home. Some argue that, despite the great strides women have made to dispel gender stereotypes, they still belong at home without a job.
One man who believes women should not work took to TikTok to share his opinion, and the comments were surprising.
TikTok content creator Judson Yant said in his bio that he makes videos about “relationships and masculinity.” In one video, he combined those two concepts to make a point.
According to Yant, “If you’re with a feminine woman who would rather not work, but you force her to work because you’re not dedicated enough to learning a high-income skill that can actually provide value to the world, then you don’t actually love her, and you don’t respect yourself, or else you’d find a way.”
Yant’s opinion is that women should not have to work, but rather should be dependent on their husbands for money. That is simply what love is. While one may expect modern women to push back against this sentiment, many commenters actually agreed with Yant and stated that they wished their partners would listen to him.
“I am his greatest investment,” one woman stated. Another said, “You [definitely] earned a new follower.”
“Say it louder for the men in the back,” a third woman exclaimed.
Some women said they are happily married to men with this same belief. “Yes, my husband always discusses our child going to school and says, ‘You’ll have more time to relax!’” one woman said. “Doesn’t ever push me to get a job.”
Another added, “I love being a [stay-at-home mom]. We’re so blessed.”
While this man's ideas on women not working may not be popular today, they definitely were at one point.
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce acknowledged that women were not always a mainstay in the workplace.
“Women entered the workforce in meaningful numbers in the 1920s, but it was mostly single women, as it was not customary for women to remain in the labor force after marriage,” they said. “Participation amongst both single and married women climbed, however, for the next 50 years as education became more available, demand for workers increased, and the ability to postpone starting a family became more readily available.”
While women did not really become a significant part of the workforce until about 100 years ago, their numbers have increased greatly during that time. “Today, women represent 47% of all U.S. employees,” the Chamber of Commerce noted.
As women make up almost half of the American workforce, it’s hard to believe that they all agree with Yant. However, there could be another reason for women entering the workforce at higher numbers.
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Living in a single-income household is very difficult in today’s economy.
One woman who commented on Yant’s video acknowledged that what he described would likely be ideal, but it simply wasn’t possible. “I agree to a point, but dang man, even with me and my husband working and having good incomes, we are still struggling in today’s America,” she said.
CNBC stated, “The national median for living comfortably alone is $89,461.” This is a single income household for just one person.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics said that full-time single employees typically bring in about $60,000 a year.
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If this is how much one worker makes, it’s no wonder that families struggle with just one income. However, Yant seems to suggest that men bypass these challenges by “learning a high-income skill.” As he sees it, the money shouldn’t be a problem at all.
Yant’s idea not only seems outdated but also difficult to achieve in this economy. While not working a traditional job is great for some women, it’s time to recognize that it doesn’t work for all.
Mary-Faith Martinez is a writer for YourTango who covers entertainment, news and human interest topics.