How The ‘Last Meeting Theory’ Ensures You’ll Never Again Cross Paths With Someone Who’s Not Meant To Be In Your Life
"It's about moving forward and not having to look over your shoulder anymore."

From old partners to ex-friends, it can be difficult to truly let go of previous connections — even if they ended on bad terms.
However, according to mental health coach Madi Rouse, there’s a universal theory, the "Last Meeting Theory," that can help to aid your process of letting go and remind you when there’s unfinished business in old connections to be addressed.
“It’s a bit of a mystery, but super fascinating,” Rouse shared of the “Last Meeting Theory,” explaining that you might “have an ex or someone that you were really close to” that’s been difficult to let go of. Guided by this theory, you can shed the burden of letting go and pass off that responsibility to the universe.
The 'Last Meeting Theory' is a powerful universal tool that ensures you never cross paths with people not meant to be in your life.
Mental health experts shared with Verywell Mind that holding onto old traumas — whether they’re entangled with an ex-partner, parent, or even a friend — can be detrimental to both your mental health and your future stability.
When we’re constantly looking back, plagued by old conversations, interactions, and connections, we’re spending endless time dwelling instead of planning for the future and embracing the present.
It’s exactly why embracing the power of the “Last Meeting Theory” can help you to move forward and heal from the past. Give the universe the power to decide when you have unfinished business with a person, connection, or relationship — don’t bear that burden yourself.
The ‘Last Meeting Theory’ is the universe’s way of protecting you from who comes in and out of your life.
“According to this theory, once you and [this] person have completed your mission together and learned the lessons you needed to learn from each other, the universe steps in and ensures that you never run into each other again,” Rouse explained.
Similar to the Invisible String Theory that suggests people meant to be in each other's lives will find their way back, the Last Meeting Theory can give people struggling to move forward peace of mind that everything happens for a reason, and that includes letting go.
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“No matter how close you live or what social circles you run in,” she said, you won’t constantly run into someone who’s not meant to be in your life in some capacity. “You’ve gone through the highest of highs and the lowest of lows … once that chapter is fully closed, the universe decides there’s no reason for you two to bump into each other.”
So, instead of anticipating awkward run-ins and uncomfortable interactions at social events, you can rest assured that the universe has your best interests in mind.
Sometimes, people who pop back into your life are simply meant to teach you something.
Of course, just because someone is showing back up in your life doesn’t mean it’s the universe’s way of telling you to rekindle a connection with them. It could be as simple as getting closure.
Maybe you see your ex in a new, happy, and loving relationship, and it gives you the closure to move on.
Maybe there’s something you need to learn from an old friend to truly close that chapter of your life and move forward feeling refreshed and unburdened.
There are a million reasons why the universe brings two people back together — for better or worse, let it carry the burden of an explanation.
“Even with one of my close ex-partners,” Nadine Vernon-Driscoll shared in a recent TikTok, “once I realized the lesson of that relationship, we stopped running into each other … I was able to go on and move on with my life and not be worried about that same person coming back.”
You can’t control the emotions and actions of anyone but yourself — let the universe set you up for success, and teach you the lessons you need to learn.
Zayda Slabbekoorn is a staff writer with a bachelor’s degree in social relations & policy and gender studies who focuses on psychology, relationships, self-help, and human interest stories.