7 Ways Being Bored Can Change Your Life For The Better, According To Science
It turns out that being bored can make you a better person.

Have you been noticing that you feel constantly bored? Well, if you are searching your brain for something to do, it's time you embraced the monotony — because boredom is actually good for you.
Boredom is commonly associated with negative traits and behaviors such as depression, impulsivity, and attention-seeking. It's less commonly as something positive.
But when people learn to use their boredom to their advantage, there are many great outcomes and benefits.
Is boredom good for you?
The short answer? Yes.
Research suggests that boredom can be really good for you in small doses. Boredom, from time to time, allows your brain to recharge, but it can also stimulate creativity and problem-solving skills.
Boredom allows you time to sit back and reflect on your life, yourself, and the positive changes you wish to pursue.
On the other hand, having extensive bouts of boredom can lead to mental health issues like negative thinking patterns, impulsivity, and self-destructive behaviors.
So, how can boredom be a good thing and possibly help you?
7 Huge Benefits Of Boredom
1. Boredom boosts creativity.
By being able to think and ponder without becoming antsy or irritable, you are allowing your mind to explore different ideas. You may come up with a brand new business idea or writing project.
Regardless, according to a 2013 study, you allow your mind to be open and free to explore endless possibilities in the world, meaning that boredom fosters creativity.
2. Boredom promotes productivity.
Boredom can be used as a tool to make sure everything in your life is in check. Are you working on a project or a few different ideas? You can use this time to evaluate what needs to be done next or what should have been completed already.
According to Scientific American, "Downtime replenishes the brain’s stores of attention and motivation, encourages productivity and creativity, and is essential to both achieve our highest levels of performance and simply form stable memories in everyday life."
3. Boredom brings you closer to accomplishing your goals.
You can use your boredom to establish short and long-term goals. Where do you want to be in the next year or two? Where would you like to be 5-10 years from now?
Boredom gives you time to reflect on your goals and/or plans as well as make revisions to any goals or plans that have already been established.
One study even determined that "Boredom is a discrete functional emotion, and serves to encourage people to seek new goals and experiences. Boredom provides a valuable adaptive function by signaling it is time to pursue a new goal... boredom will motivate the pursuit of new goals as the intensity of the current experience fades."
4. Boredom makes you a better person.
According to a 2011 study, boredom can give you the necessary time to reflect on your life, relationships and friendships, both past and present. It allows you the time to see where things went right and where things went wrong.
From there, you are given the opportunity to change what was wrong, for future experiences that you may come across. It gives you the chance to acknowledge your mistakes so you lessen the chance of making the same mistake twice.
5. Boredom increases your happiness.
Boredom allows you to relax, mentally and physically. It gives your mind a break, gives your brain clarity and removes mental clutter. Boredom allows your mind the time to wind down so you’re not always overwhelmed by racing thoughts.
With this, relaxation and not always being "on the go" can lead to increased feelings of happiness and joy. So, rather than looking at boredom as having nothing to do, use it to create a more peaceful environment and overall life for yourself.
6. Boredom improves mental health.
Our minds are constantly overrun with information in today's age. This is why boredom can be a safe haven in a way. It allows our brains to take a step back and turn off for a bit, which is one of the best ways to take care of our mental health.
Boredom gives you time to be at peace and relax. It also gives your mind time to recharge before tackling the rest of your day. Spend time reflecting on yourself instead of being glued to a screen, social media, or any work stress. Allow your mind to wander and daydream.
According to Sandi Mann, a chartered psychologist and author, "Daydreaming can be quite a respite and provide a brief escape from day-to-day life."
7. Boredom motivates challenging the status quo.
According to Bench and Lench, boredom is what gives humans their drive for adventure and novelty-seeking. Novelty-seeking is when one is dissatisfied with the status quo and is willing to challenge established ideas and practices. When one is bored, it allows them to address the status quo and bring about change.
We can all use a little more creativity and happiness in our lives. We have this preconceived notion that boredom is always negative, but it’s not.
If we learn how to use it wisely and allow our mind to roam around, there are endless possibilities for where you might end up. You may come to find that your interests have shifted or things have happened in your life where you may have to adjust your plans or goals.
Boredom can be a positive tool for ourselves and our lives that is often overlooked by many of us.
Brittney Lindstrom is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Certified Rehabilitation Counselor.