How (And Why) You Need To Take An Honest Inventory Of Your Life

Consciously create the life you desire.

Taking honest inventory of your life Jonas Verstuyft | Unsplash

You want to know how to change your life because it's not turning out to be what you thought it would be.

But can you ever know what life is going to be like? Yes and no.

As the adage says, "Life is never what you think it is."

When you stay in your head, you can calculate, add two and two together, examine, evaluate, rationalize, and even try to make sense of the logic of life.

Yet, when you get down to the nitty-gritty, life can’t be computed from a narrow point of view. Particularly if the point of view is constricted, rigid, and in a "compartmentalized box."


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Here's how to take an honest inventory of your life — and change it for the better:

1. Unwind and untangle

When you are tightly wound up and closed about life, your own life will be rigid and closed.

Relationships — personal and professional are tougher.

Life may appear as though everything happening is against you — this is a very narrow idea of life. Nothing will turn out right!


What a concept of life, especially in this society when all the bad news is on every wavelength of media.

You are inundated with bad news every day. If you think that life is all negativity, then life will suck for you.

The question is: Does it have to be this way?

Of course not! Life can be what you think it is.

laying on bed relaxed and happy


Photo via Getty

2. Look at what is not working and stop doing it.

It's not easy, but it can make a huge difference.

Look around you. Look at your life from an observer position. Be open.

3. What do you love to do?

Who are the people, friends, and family who support you emotionally?

Ask those closest to you for clear, objective advice. Stay out of your emotions. Stop trying to fix your life.

You are not broken, maybe a little confused. But you are not broken.

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4. Write down how you see your life.

Write down how life serves you and how you serve your life. Your words are powerful.


When you write clearly about everything happening in your life right now and how you choose it to be, you begin to change.

You clarify how you think your life is. You begin to envision how you would love to see your life.

You are the only one who can uplift yourself first. You are the only one who can tap into your proverbial spirit.

Your spirit is the powerful essence of who you are trapped underneath the pervading layers of fear.

The systems are breaking down. Nothing is the way it used to be.

Now, you can give yourself the best gift by connecting deeply to your inner essence.



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5. What is going on in your life that doesn’t work?

Also, what is going on in your life that does work?

Keep what works and dump the rest. You know yourself from the inside out.

Forget about finding your answers on TV or in any form of media. Forget about finding answers outside yourself — they don't have your answers. They are just reporting the fear.

Underneath all the emotional stuff and the reactions to the emotional stuff, you can begin to believe in yourself.

6. Step back for a moment and look through the past.

When a person or a group picked up their lives with the barest minimum of belongings and traveled to another place to begin a new life, they had to start all over again.


They had a different vision of their lives and left the past behind.

This is the best idea now. Let the past remain where it is — in the past, even if the past was one week, one day, or one minute ago.

7. You can’t change the past but you can let it go.

Life is never what you think it is — now is the time to begin creating something new. The old will never be what you think or thought it was before.


Now, it is time to think up new things. The time has come to go into the recesses of your clear mind, look for new ideas, and take a stand for yourself.

You can do it.

You can overcome obstacles and fears because you have your natural, innate creative abilities to begin to establish a new life from a clear perspective.



8. Take a step forward and don’t look back.

The past and the systems of the past are over. Time to create something new!


It's time to work together to inspire each other to make different choices of what life is and will be for the future of this world.

Consciously create the life you desire and believe in what you think it is!

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Sherry Anshara is an international bestselling author, professional speaker, former radio host of “Conscious Healing,” and contributing writer to national and international publications.