10 Habits That Signal Someone Is Truly Authentic, According To Life Coach
It's time to be yourself for once.

Congratulations ... today is a new day. If you let them, all of your "should haves", "could haves", and "would haves" of yesterday have gone up in a poof of "It’s history!" smoke.
All that remains is right now. You know, that "present moment" stuff that Oprah, Deepak, and Eckhart keep encouraging us to pay attention to become more successful, alive, and fulfilled.
Here are 10 habits that signal someone is truly authentic:
1. They're determined to succeed
Even the slightest negative thought tells the universe that you’re not serious about being yourself. Change the thought and you change the outcome.
Our thoughts have more impact on our outcomes than we think. It has been proven that having positive thoughts can lead to a much happier life.
2. They trust that they'll figure it out
When presented with opportunities that you know nothing about or have no skills doing, simply trust that you’ll figure it out. You’ll figure out being you and only you, as only you can do.
3. They embrace uncertainty, and vulnerability, and let go of the outcome
Fighting uncertainty and shying away from vulnerability only makes discovering who you are elusive. Why fight it? Just go with it. Then and only then can you let go of a "need to know" outcome.
4. They stay curious
Live with childlike wonder about who you are and what you’re meant to do in the world. Ask yourself daily: "Who am I?" The more you ask, the more answers you’ll uncover.
5. They believe that change is possible
Rather than surrendering to "I am what I am and that’s all that I am," embrace change. It’s the one thing that’s constant. It’s also the driving force to get you back to the real you.
Instead of being the person that other people expect, be the person you're meant to become for yourself and see what happens.
6. They quit striving for acceptance
Listen to what your Momma told ya: "Not everyone’s gonna like ya, love ya, and accept ya! Why? Because it’s the universe's way of teaching ya to like, love, and accept yourself first."
If your Momma didn’t say that, she should have!
7. They're comfortable with discomfort
Allow the moment you feel uncomfortable about taking a stand to become a habit of being comfortable in the discomfort.
The stronger the habit, the sooner you’ll become comfortable in the discomfort of being yourself, and voila — you’re being yourself!
8. They practice, practice, practice failing
Not only must you stop being determined that you’re going to fail at being yourself, but you must also practice failing to become yourself. Each time you fail at being yourself draws you one step closer to discovering the real you, instead of the false you that you’re trying to be.
9. They find mentors but don’t copycat
Finding you sometimes means seeing yourself in others. That’s awesome, cool, and oh so fab, provided you let them mentor you, not turn you into a replica of them. Grab a glimpse of yourself in them and then go become a better, more individual you!
Christina Morillo / Pexels
10. They believe beyond a shadow of a doubt
Whether it’s Santa, the Tooth Fairy, or Tinkerbell, at some point in time, you believed beyond a shadow of a doubt in something. You couldn’t quite grasp it or didn’t know if it was really real, but you believed.
Now it’s time to do the same to be yourself. Trust and have faith beyond a shadow of a doubt that you being you is possible, and it will pay huge dividends in your life.
Does being you take work?
Yes, but it doesn’t have to be a mountain that you make out of a molehill. As what you focus on expands, set the intention to become more yourself this year.
Learning how to live in the present moment can only enhance your life. It can lead to improved mental health, better relationships, and more enjoyment in life, according to one study.
Keep that intention and these recommendations clearly in focus and see how the real you expand to become what you want.
Rick Clemons is a certified professional coach, speaker, author, and podcaster who inspires corporations, entrepreneurs, college and university students, and individuals to make their bold moves.